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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Grassroots at its finest

Dear Friends,

You all know how much time and energy I put into last year's presidential campaign. The election didn't turn out the way I wanted, but I decided that I wanted to keep on working for a better country. And I hope you'll help me with my new efforts.

I've joined up with the Democracy Cell Project, a new nonprofit that's dedicated to helping people all over the country learn what they need to know to be effective citizen activists. My DCP crew mates and I are taking everything we learned last year and putting together the website we wished had been out there when we started. And most importantly, we are all working from the heart, not just from the head.

I want you to go to the DCP website and check it out. There are lots of ways you can join the conversation: there's a blog, and a website, and a live chat. The library has great inspirational readings, and there's a book club where you can read and discuss cutting-edge political strategy books.

What's really special for me is the community of people we're building at DCP. It means a lot to me to be able to talk with people who share my hopes and fears for our country, and who've got lots of good ideas about what we can do to make things better, starting right in our own neighborhoods.

So come on over to the Democracy Cell Project, and take a look around. Let me know what you think. We're working hard to expand our community, and I'd love to have you join me.

Your Friends and fellow patriots.


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