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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

NEWS as of 11:20 a.m. est, 2-1-05

CIA Corrects Itself on Arms

WASHINGTON — In what may be a formal acknowledgment of the obvious, the CIA has issued a classified report revising its prewar assessments on Iraq and concluding that Baghdad abandoned its chemical weapons programs in 1991, intelligence officials familiar with the document said.

------GEEEE YA THINK ?------

Kucinich Demands Broad Investigation Of Missing $9 Billion In IraqRanking Member on National Security Oversight Committee Calls For Federal Grand Jury Investigation and Congressional Hearings

----- Thats 9 Billion TO START...One good audit and Smirky Mcflightsuit would drop like a flaming bat.----------

Raw Story has acquired a copy of Saving Social Security: A Guide to Social Security Reform, printed by the House and Senate Republican Conferences as a guide for Senators and Representatives to market private accounts for the Social Security system.
The document is filled with suggestions for communicating with constituents such as, "Talk in simple language: Your audience doesn't understand financial jargon," and "Offer an alternate reality."

----Dont gooo into the alternate realityyyy..noooo wait!!---

4 Networks Reject Ad Opposing Bush on Lawsuits

----Which is EXACTLY WHY Im here--------------

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Insurgents claimed on Monday to have shot down a British military plane north of Baghdad over the weekend, and Al-Jazeera television aired a videotape from guerrillas showing flaming wreckage of a plane. Britain said all 10 personnel on the flight were missing and presumed dead.
----Notice the major change in death tolls?...The Pentagon says that tape is a fake...thats REALLY FUNNY and Really sad considering the tape not only shows a missle take down of a c130 it ALSO shows the smoking wreckage...BUT WHY WOULD IRAQIS SHOOT DOWN OUR PLANES???DONT THEY JUST LOVE US?...And as the lies continue every plane or chopter over Iraq is in terrible danger from...ummm birds! That was a flaming bird that hit that c130!! yeah yeah birds-----

Letter from David Brock to Scott McClellan

Dear Mr. McClellan:
I am writing to ask you to consider revoking the White House press credentials apparently granted to Jeff Gannon of Talon News. Mr. Gannon and Talon News appear to be political activists rather than actual journalists, and as such should not be presented to the public as an independent news agency.
----While we are at it can't Zell Miller be BANNED from the democratic party for the rest of his wretched life?-----
U.S., Gulf states aim to reduce nuke threat

From combined dispatches MANAMA, Bahrain -- The United States and Gulf Arab states are discussing ways of pressuring Iran over a perceived threat from Tehran's nuclear and missile programs, the top U.S. diplomat in charge of disarmament said yesterday.
-----Just yesterday the US government told the Europeans to go shag themselves over Iran... Who needs the British when Bandhar Bush can call up the boys and have thier merry little band of DICTATORS AND TYRANTS roll through the Middle East and just TAKE whatever they want...These bastards will kill us all and yes Im including our American tyrant in with those bastards..HE choose his FRIENDS..Not I-----
State of emergency as Nepalese king fires ministers
Gyanendra, who assumed the throne in 2001 when his brother, the former king, was killed in a massacre, denied that the move was a coup. However, soldiers surround the prime minister's house as armoured cars patrol the country's capital,

The Vietnam turnout was good as well

On September 4 1967 the New York Times published an upbeat story on presidential elections held by the South Vietnamese puppet regime at the height of the Vietnam war. Under the heading "US encouraged by Vietnam vote: Officials cite 83% turnout despite Vietcong terror", the paper reported that the Americans had been "surprised and heartened" by the size of the turnout "despite a Vietcong terrorist campaign to disrupt the voting". A successful election, it went on, "has long been seen as the keystone in President Johnson's policy of encouraging the growth of constitutional processes in South Vietnam". The echoes of this weekend's propaganda about Iraq's elections are so close as to be uncanny.

----How many people find freedom at the end of a rifle barrel?-----

Military facing wide budget gap with Halliburton; Overruns of $4 billion

Future Halliburton spending exceeds budget estimates by $4b
The top U.S. commander in Baghdad has cited an "unaffordable" budget gap of at least $4 billion between what Halliburton says it will cost to provide food, housing and other services for U.S. GIs for a year and what the government has budgeted, the (paid-restricted) Wall Street Journal reports Tuesday.

-----4 billion here 11 billion there, 6 billion here 800 million there...it kinda all starts to add up dont it?-----


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