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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

ReBelle Daily Dispatch

Anti-gay religious group targets Shrek 2

Canadian Press

TORONTO — Uh oh! That other jolly green giant could be in trouble. Shrek 2 is the latest animated film title to be "outed'' by Christian fundamentalists in the U.S.

On its website the Traditional Values Coalition is warning parents about the cross-dressing and transgender themes contained in the hit DreamWorks feature, now on DVD.

"Shrek 2 is billed as harmless entertainment but contains subtle sexual messages,'' says the coalition, which describes itself as a grassroots inter-denominational lobby with more than 43,000 member churches.


---Are these not the same people who are ok with a gay hooker being passed State Secrets in the White House Presss Briefing Room?...LEAVE SHREK THE HELL ALONE PEOPLE!!!----


An earthquake has damaged several villages in Iran, killing at least 30 people, state television has reported.

The 6.4-magnitude quake was centred near Zerand in Kerman province, 740 km (460 miles) south-east of Tehran.

Provincial governor Mohammad Ali Karimi said "several villages had been destroyed", but an interior ministry spokesman played down the effects.


---Oh Great! Georgie will say this is a sign from God that we just GOTTA BOMB THEM...---


By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer

BRUSSELS, Belgium - President Bush on Monday laid out a checklist for Israel and Palestine to achieve peace with two independent states, including an insistence that the Palestinians get contiguous land in the West Bank.

"A state on scattered territories will not work," Bush said during a speech in the first overseas trip of his second term.

Bush pressed Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to be forthcoming on giving up Israeli settlements in the West Bank when peace negotiations on a Palestinian state reach their final stage.

On Sunday, Israel's cabinet agreed for the first time since capturing the West Bank and Gaza 38 years ago to dismantle some of the dozens of Jewish settlements it has built there




Chavez to suspend oil exports to US in case of assassination attempt

CARACAS (AFP) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatened to suspend oil exports to the United States if someone tries to assassinate him, adding that US President George W. Bush would be to blame.
"If they kill me, there will be a really guilty party on this planet whose name is the president of the United States, George Bush," Chavez said on his weekly radio program, "Hello, Mr. President."


---If you think this is paranoia on Chevezs part...ask yourself..HOW MUCH OIL is under his nation?---


Help your peace-loving child avoid the draft: don't wait until he's 18 to document his opposition to war. Record it now

Helen James

ON THE EVE OF THE GULF WAR, while I was marching for peace with hundreds of other protestors, I spotted a familiar mop of shiny red hair down low in the crowd. Sure enough, it belonged to my then nine-year-old son, Adam. I hadn't encouraged him to take up the polities of adulthood, but he and his buddies had convinced another parent to take them to the rally. We joined forces, and I walked and talked with them as they struggled to understand the deeper meaning of that day.

As I stopped to take a photo of the boys with their handmade peace signs, a tired, flail-looking man, covered with war medals and peace buttons, began limping toward me as fast as he could manage. He'd broken ranks with his group, Vietnam Vets Against the War, and had a look on his face I will never forget. He came close and embraced me, then pulled back, stared into my eyes, and said, "lf my mother had done that for me, I wouldn't be like this now." We shared a moment of silence, then parted with a handshake.

The vet was right--my son was not being raised to be a soldier, and someday Adam might need to show his draft board the photo we'd just taken to prove that fact. While this scenario seemed only remotely possible and a long way off, I reminded myself that some parents start college funds when a child is born. I tucked the photo away.



'Minutemen' to Patrol Arizona Border

WASHINGTON - Intent on securing the vulnerable Arizona border from illegal immigrant crossings, U.S. officials are bracing for what they call a potential new threat this spring: the Minutemen.

Nearly 500 volunteers have already joined the Minuteman Project, anointing themselves civilian border patrol agents determined to stop the immigration flow that routinely, and easily, seeps past federal authorities. They plan to patrol a 40-mile stretch of the southeast Arizona border throughout April when the tide of immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border peaks.


---Uh Oh...This CAN NOT end well...---


Pakistan Army told to fire at intruding Americans

By Khalid Hasan

Washington: Pakistan has issued new rules of engagement permitting its Army to fire at US forces that cross the border from Afghanistan without coordinating first, according to a report contributed to the magazine ‘American Conservative’ by a former CIA officer.Philip Giraldi, now an international security consultant and writer of intelligence matters, writes in the February 28 issue of the magazine’s ‘Deep Background’ column that "President Musharraf has been receiving angry reports from his military that US forces have been engaging in hot pursuit across the border in violation of bilateral agreements.

Musharraf is also said to be unhappy about the recent abrupt withdrawal of Predators and other surveillance resources from Pakistan for transfer to Iraq for use against Iran. According to high level Pakistani sources, Musharraf and his Army chiefs expended a great deal of political capital in their support of the Al Qaeda hunt, clashing frequently with hostile tribesmen along the border. The US Central Command’s January announcement that the drones and other supporting surveillance technologies that were being used against Al Qaeda would be withdrawn to support ‘elections in Iraq,’ was an unpleasant surprise, particularly when ‘in Iraq’ turned out to be a euphemism for ‘against Iran.The drones have not yet been returned and many operations in the border areas are reported to be on hold. Musharraf has had a difficult time explaining to his own supporters in the military, and to the Pakistani public, why he continues to be so supportive of US policies in the region.


---Didn't he get the memo that he was our 'Key Ally' on the 'War on Terror?...---


Iraq, Then and Now


Published: February 21, 2005

I remember going to Washington in mid-March 2003, nearly two years ago, to cover a demonstration by tens of thousands of protesters who were clinging to the last, tissue-thin strands of hope that they could bring the Bush administration to its senses and prevent the invasion of Iraq.
But it was already clear that nothing would deter President Bush from his war. I filed a column that said, "We're about to watch the tragedy unfold."

Even more clearly than the protests that weekend, I remember the ominous stories in the press about the likelihood that a war in Iraq would embolden Islamic terrorist organizations and strengthen their recruitment efforts. The Times ran a front-page article on Sunday March 16, in which a senior counterintelligence official said: "An American invasion of Iraq is already being used as a recruitment tool by Al Qaeda and other groups. And it is a very effective tool."

On the same day The Washington Post reported that "specialists inside and outside the government question whether a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq would deliver a significant blow against international terrorism. Experts warn that war and occupation could also have the opposite effect by emboldening radical Islamic groups and adding to their grievances."


----In other words...We are pissing people off and CREATING more terrorists,....just great.---


UN: Afghanistan Could Become Terror Haven

Mon Feb 21, 9:21 AM ET
By STEPHEN GRAHAM, Associated Press Writer

KABUL, Afghanistan - Three years after the fall of the Taliban, Afghanistan remains the world's sixth-least developed country, the United Nations said Monday, warning that a nation that became a haven for international terrorists could fail again unless more is done to improve the lives of its long-suffering citizens.

In a wide-ranging report that measures Afghans' personal security, welfare and ability to control their own lives, the world body ranked the country 173rd out of 178 assessed in 2004. The five states that fared worse are in sub-Saharan Africa.

While landmark October elections showed Afghanistan's political progress, the report urged President Hamid Karzai and his international backers to redouble their efforts to tackle miserable health and education standards, as well as growing inequality which could fuel fresh conflict.
"Sustained peace in Afghanistan is not guaranteed despite the early successes in state-building," it said. "The price the international community would pay to protect itself from Afghanistan would be far greater than what it will pay to help develop the country."


---Two for two Georgie...You suck at this whole empire game...---


February 16, 2005

Dems Lie Down for ChertoffOn February 15, the Senate confirmed Bush’s nomination of Michael Chertoff to head up Homeland Security.

The vote was shamefully unanimous.He sailed through 98 to nothing.Not a single Democratic Senator stood up to oppose him.

Not Barbara Boxer.Not Ted Kennedy.Not Russ Feingold.Not Frank Lautenberg.Not Richard Durbin.Not John Kerry.They all took a dive, even though Chertoff doesn’t deserve the post.


---More torturers as leaders...just great...---


How objective journalism can fail to reveal the truth

"This is a time when I wished someone would ask the obvious question of the president: Are you really bad at math, or are you lying to us? But of course, you won't hear that question at the next press conference. There's something about calling the president a liar on live TV that scares the willies out reporters, even when it's this blatant.Certainly, they'll ask a much nicer question, and they will dutifully report his answer, even if it makes no sense. That's what we call objective journalism."


---I can answer that question...HE IS LYING TO US.---


Bush Issues Forceful Words to Iran, Syria

He used the word "alliance" 12 times in his speech to underscore his aim to repair relations frayed by the war in Iraq. But not all his speech was conciliatory.

Bush had pointed criticism for Russia three days ahead of a meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Slovakia. Referring to Putin's recent steps to consolidate power, rollback democratic reforms and curb press and political freedoms, Bush said:

"We must always remind Russia that our alliance stands for a free press, a vital opposition, the sharing of power and the rule of law. The United States should place democratic reform at the heart of their dialogue with Russia."

Bush's speech was delivered in an ornate ballroom of Brussels' Concert Noble hall before an audience of business leaders, academics and diplomats. It was greeted mostly by subdued applause.


---Did you catch the part about a free press?...Georgie has GONE MAD....no not angry..MAD I TELL YOU...I think Putin is going to put a smackdown on him. Putin ain't scared of Bush and Bush is too stupid to know that...If no nukes are involved this should be fun...----


Credible Evidence Emerges That Jeff Gannon Coordinated With the G.O.P. to Bring Down Former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) in 2004 Election

Post-Election, Daschle Campaign Aide Says Thune and Gannon "Worked Hand in Hand"; Gannon's Work in South Dakota Shows Substantial Ties to Current Thune Campaign Staffer Jason Van Beek


---WHO is Gannons WHOREMASTER?----


Nationalism, Islam, Republicanism and Class Warfare

by Stephen Crockett (co-host of Democratic Talk Radio)

The terrible record of the Bush Administration in the international arena has deep historical roots in the misuse of propaganda by the Bush Republicans in the creation of American public policy. For essentially domestic political and economic reasons, the Republican Party has long advanced the myth that Reagan destroyed the Soviet Union by outspending it using public debt to expand the military-industrial complex. Actually, the Soviet threat was destroyed largely by nationalism instead of capitalism.

The Soviet-American conflict was not really just a clash of economic ideologies as many Republicans contend. The conflict was one between a nation-state (the United States) and an empire largely based on ideology (the Soviet Union). The Soviet Union was almost certain to collapse, like every other multi-national empire in history, because of the internal contradictions and stresses inherent in multi-national empires. The Soviet system was doomed from the day it started by nationalism. It had hundreds of nationalities speaking hundreds of languages held together by a corrupted ideology and force. Truman understood that containing the Soviet threat alone would eventually be sufficient to collapse the Soviet Union. History proved him correct.



FDA cut off critic's access to drug database

By Ronald KotulakTribune staff reporter
Published February 20, 2005

Over the last five years, a Northwestern University researcher has used information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration--along with adverse drug reports from pharmaceutical companies and independent groups--to uncover potentially fatal side effects for 17 drugs.One of those drugs is Plavix, an anti-clotting agent that has been given to more than 41 million patients worldwide since 1998. A group led by Dr. Charles Bennett reported in 2000 that in rare circumstances the drug can cause a catastrophic collapse of the blood system, leading the FDA to require the manufacturer to add a warning label.Early last year, however, Bennett wrote another article giving the FDA a failing grade on post-marketing drug safety. Nine months later, the agency cut off his special access to its adverse drug reaction database.Critics call the FDA's action another misstep that reveals the agency's shortcomings in monitoring drugs after they have been approved, thereby putting many patients at risk for adverse drug reactions.


---The FDA is KILLING PEOPLE....If you have not already come to this conclusion you have not been paying attention...---


Killers on and off the battlefield?

Pierre Cole seemed high on killing. Cole, a soldier in Iraq, called his dad from overseas to boast about gunning down enemies in a firefight in 2003.

"He was on cloud nine," said his father, Willie Cole. "'Hey, I got a couple of them,' " he said. " 'I let loose.'"

Willie Cole -- a former military police officer who served in Panama when the United States deposed President Manuel Noriega in 1989 -- was shocked.

"It disturbed me, his reaction to the loss of life," said Willie Cole, a caterer in the south suburbs. "I said, 'Regardless of what you're over there for, the other guy is fighting for something, too. You have to respect that.'"

But Pierre Cole tuned out his dad.

"He commented to me, 'F--- it. I'm glad it's him, not me.'"

Now Pierre Cole, 22, is back from Iraq and facing a murder charge in Cook County Criminal Court for allegedly killing a West Side store owner, In Taik Jung, during a botched robbery Oct. 14.


---When you are forced to commit immoral acts...your soul dies... Our soldiers have been betrayed by those who have created endless immoral war. Bush kills yet uses the hands of our soldiers to commit the act...BECAUSE BUSH IS A COWARD WHO WOULD PISS HIS PANTS AT THE SIGHT OF AN 'INSURGENT'....And as our sons souls are dying..Bush uses thier blood to hide the larger crime...namely..WAR PROFITEERING.....When ANYONE PROVES ME WRONG I WILL QUIT SAYING IT...Till then I got 2 words for you...TREASON TREASON TREASON---


The White House Stages Its 'Daily Show'

"How this happened is a mystery that has yet to be solved. "Jeff" has now quit Talon News not because he and it have been exposed as fakes but because of other embarrassing blogosphere revelations linking him to sites like hotmilitarystud.com and to an apparently promising career as an X-rated $200-per-hour "escort." If Mr. Guckert, the author of Talon News exclusives like "Kerry Could Become First Gay President," is yet another link in the boundless network of homophobic Republican closet cases, that's not without interest. But it shouldn't distract from the real question - that is, the real news - of how this fake newsman might be connected to a White House propaganda machine that grows curiouser by the day. Though Mr. McClellan told Editor & Publisher magazine that he didn't know until recently that Mr. Guckert was using an alias, Bruce Bartlett, a White House veteran of the Reagan-Bush I era, wrote on the nonpartisan journalism Web site Romenesko, that "if Gannon was using an alias, the White House staff had to be involved in maintaining his cover." (Otherwise, it would be a rather amazing post-9/11 security breach.) "


---How it happened is that Gannon is SOMEBODYS WHORE...Whomever that SOMEBODY is passed STATE SECRETS to thier GAY HOOKER...This is an act of treaon with some freaky shit thrown in just for giggles..----


Baghdad hospitals near breaking point as insurgency rages on

BAGHDAD (AFP) - Overwhelmed by a daily influx of trauma cases from insurgent bombings and ambushes, Baghdad's antiquated and ill-equipped hospitals are nearing breaking point.

"We have become the designated hospital for all emergencies in Rasafa (the western half of Baghdad) because we are the closest to the main roads," said the deputy head of the Kindi hospital, Doctor Yassin Mustafa Kazem.

"We have to give priority to our emergency department which can handle between 90 and 120 wounded a day," said Doctor Rajab al-Saffar, who occupies the same post at Yarmuk, the capital's other main hospital.

The bulk of the victims of the relentless bombings and shootings carried out by Sunni Arab militants are brought to these two hospitals, as are the victims of the massive crime wave that has accompanied the insurgency.


----They must not have gotten the memo that we 'liberated' them---


Insurgents Wage Precise Attacks on Baghdad Fuel

Published: February 21, 2005

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Feb. 20 - Insurgent attacks to disrupt Baghdad's supplies of crude oil, gasoline, heating oil, water and electricity have reached a degree of coordination and sophistication not seen before, Iraqi and American officials say.

The new pattern, they say, shows that the insurgents have a deep understanding of the complex network of pipelines, power cables and reservoirs feeding Baghdad, the Iraqi capital.


--- But I thought these are just a bunch of rag tag dead enders left over Batthists?.....YEAH RIGHT...---



"In addition, the concerted effort to disrupt the elections was an abject failure, not one polling place was shut down or overrun and the fact that you have these suicide bombers now, wreaking such hatred and violence while people pray, is to me, an indication of their failure," Clinton told reporters inside the heavily fortified Green Zone.

McCain said the group had not left the Green Zone, home to Iraqi government institutions and the American and British embassies, because of the security situation. They were expected to meet with U.S. troops stationed elsewhere in Iraq on Sunday.


---Hey Hillary since your so sure they FAILED..Why don't you actually try leaving the 'Green Zone' a minute......Oh Come on...Don't be both STUPID and COWARDLY...it's just not a good image for 2008...---

Australia Says It Will Send 450 More Troops to Iraq

The Associated PressCANBERRA, Australia (AP) - Australia will send 450 more troops to southern Iraq to help protect Japanese engineers and help bolster the country's fledgling democracy, Prime Minister John Howard announced Tuesday.

The new detachment will include a cavalry squadron, infantry company and a team to train local forces, Howard told a news conference in Canberra.

Australia, a staunch U.S. ally, sent 2,000 troops to take part in the invasion of Iraq and still has nearly 900 troops in and around the country. Howard said it would take about 10 weeks for the new troops to prepare for their trip to Iraq and that they would likely stay there for a year.

"This has not been, is not and will not be an easy decision for the government; I know it will be unpopular with many," Howard said. The Australian troops will replace Dutch soldiers who had been serving in the al-Muthana province of southern Iraq but are scheduled to pull out by mid-March.

"I believe this is the right decision," Howard added. "It will make a significant contribution to the coalition effort; it will make a significant contribution to the rebuilding of Iraq."


---OHHH Rossi ain't gonna like this at all....----


APNewsBreak: U.S. Doubles Number of Troops Inside Afghan Army; Taliban Official Says Harsh Winter Curtailing Attacks

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - The U.S. military has doubled the number of its soldiers embedded inside the Afghan army, a spokesman said Sunday, bolstering a force that's supposed to relieve American and NATO troops in warlord-plagued provinces and along the Pakistani border.

A group of 288 U.S. National Guard soldiers arrived in Afghanistan on Friday and Saturday to serve as tactical trainers with the Afghan National Army, joining about 300 already embedded with Afghan units, Maj. Eric Bloom told The Associated Press.

"They have begun the one-week training program before they deploy to the field to meet their (Afghan) counterparts," Bloom said.

Lt. Gen. David Barno, the top commander of American forces in Afghanistan, requested the extra troops to accelerate the training of a 70,000-strong government force designed to tackle renegade faction leaders and remnants of the ousted Taliban.


---Ummmm Who was suposed to send the memo to Afghanistan?..I don't think they know we won...---


Editing Jefferson

Monday, February 21, 2005; Page A26

CHARLES W. Carrico Sr., a Virginia lawmaker, has decided to rewrite the Founding Fathers. Mr. Carrico, a state trooper-turned-Republican-delegate from Grayson County in southwestern Virginia, says he believes Christians are being silenced and persecuted. "America was founded on Christian beliefs," he proclaims. "Christianity is the majority faith in this country, and yet because the minority has said, 'I'm offended,' we are being told to keep silent." Yet Mr. Carrico's "solution," an amendment to a passage of the Virginia Constitution adapted in part from Thomas Jefferson's famous Statute of Religious Freedom, is unnecessary, vague and disingenuous as to its real intent.

If incorporated into the Constitution, it would defile the language of Jefferson and embolden religious activists for whom the Founding Fathers' doctrine of separation of church and state is a nuisance.


---To all you republicans hearing the voice of God...You are aware we used to burn people alive for that eh?...Now we have pills that may help...---

---And on a personal note to the Christian Riech...WHAT THE FUCK MAKES YOU THINK GOD GAVE YOU SOMETHING THE REST OF US DIDN"T GET???? Humble thyself GOD IS WATCHING YOU EVEN NOW!..Tell Bill O'Lielly HE even hears us when we are on the phone...There is only one thing more disgusting than cowardice..and that would be arrogant hypocracy....Leave Thomas Jefferson the hell alone or we WILL GO FURTHER ON THIS...Stick to finding a reason to masturbate to cartoons...I personally hope Sponge Bob violates your very imagination.----

---I'm NOT PLAYING...Don't mess with Jefferson...Don't make me get ugly up in here, cause I will.----


Army Having Difficulty Meeting Goals In Recruiting
Fewer Enlistees Are in Pipeline; Many Being Rushed Into Service

By Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, February 21, 2005; Page A01

The active-duty Army is in danger of failing to meet its recruiting goals, and is beginning to suffer from manpower strains like those that have dropped the National Guard and Reserves below full strength, according to Army figures and interviews with senior officers .

For the first time since 2001, the Army began the fiscal year in October with only 18.4 percent of the year's target of 80,000 active-duty recruits already in the pipeline. That amounts to less than half of last year's figure and falls well below the Army's goal of 25 percent.

Meanwhile, the Army is rushing incoming recruits into training as quickly as it can. Compared with last year, it has cut by 50 percent the average number of days between the time a recruit signs up and enters boot camp. It is adding more than 800 active-duty recruiters to the 5,201 who were on the job last year, as attracting each enlistee requires more effort and monetary incentives.


---This is just stupid. And the dumbness ain't over yet.---


Study predicts city flood threat due to warming

By Susan Milligan,
Globe Staff February 15, 2005

WASHINGTON -- By the end of this century, global warming threatens to raise the sea level enough that a heavy storm would send flood waters into Boston's downtown waterfront, the Financial District, and much of the Back Bay, based on projections in a federally funded report to be released today.

The five-year study, commissioned by the US Environmental Protection Agency and completed by university researchers, indicates that the mildest impact of global warming would leave local landmarks such as Massachusetts General Hospital, the Public Garden, the Esplanade, and MIT in a pool of water after a strong storm surge in the harbor.


---UMMMM just a thought to the people in Boston....RUN!---


American Indian students protest barbed-wire fence

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- Barbed wire was removed from the top of an 8-foot-high fence being built around an American Indian school after protests by students and tribal members who said it felt like an attempt "to keep the animals" from escaping.The fence, which construction crews began setting up this week, was ordered by the federal government to improve campus safety and define the grounds at the Chemawa Indian School, a boarding school that serves tribes across the country.


---Excuse me...White People.....It would be SHEER FOLLY to keep ignoring the anger of the native Indians...Or to keep denying the impact of history as the root cause of that anger...But hey I understand, its too much to accept history at times..So till then...hey this whole internet ALMOST makes up for that smallpox thing....Thank you pale face.---

---IF YOU MUST KNOW...I am English, Irish, Scottish, Dutch, French, German, Portugese, Cherokee and Choctaw with the possibility open for Creek...(We cant be sure, cause see, white man burned all those records)...I have the blood of Europe and the face and skin of the Indian...I'm PROUD to be AMERICAN MADE..And I LOVE my mud colored skin...---


Bush's '06 Budget Would Scrap or Reduce 154 Programs

Tuesday, February 22, 2005; Page A13

From $4 million for an agriculture biotechnology program to $18 million for foreign-language assistance for small elementary and secondary schools and $489 million for congressionally earmarked Environmental Protection Agency projects, President Bush's fiscal 2006 budget plan calls for elimination of or drastic cuts in 154 programs.

The cuts would amount to $15.3 billion in savings over the fiscal 2005 budget as enacted by Congress, according to the administration. In addition, the president proposed major changes in 16 programs that his budget says would result in an additional $4.7 billion in gross savings.
The president's entire fiscal 2006 budget, not including a supplemental request for military costs related to Iraq and Afghanistan, amounts to $2.57 trillion.


---If the WP wanted to be REALLY HONEST...this headline would have read 'Bush Declares War on Poor People'....Oh thats right though, if they are honest they can't get paid tax payer money by the White House...----


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