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Sunday, February 20, 2005

Test Of Loyalty

10 Questions to Test Your Allegiance to President Bush

Q: What statement best describes your opinion of George W. Bush?
1)He's a resolute, principled leader who is a strong wartime President
2)He's a clueless moron who couldn't find oil in Texas
3)He's an arrogant liar hell-bent on world domination
4)He's a faithful servant of God
5)He's a faithful servant of Dick Cheney

Q: The biggest mistake Bush ever made was ___
1)Trading Sammy Sosa to the Chicago White Sox
2)Waging an ill-conceived, unnecessary war based on lies
3)Prancing around an aircraft carrier in a flight costume and prematurely declaring "Mission Accomplished"
4)Going AWOL from the National Guard
5)He has never made a mistake

Q: Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.

Q: Which bumper sticker would you be most likely to put on your car?
1)Bush/Cheney '04: Leadership, Integrity, Morality
2)Bush/Cheney '04: This Time, Elect Us!
3)Bush/Cheney '04: Four More Wars
4)Bush/Cheney '04: Don't Change Horsemen Mid-Apocalypse
5)Bush/Cheney '04: Vote Nader
6)George W. Bush: Master of Strategery
7)George W. Bush: President for Life

Q: Complete the following statement: George W. Bush belongs ___
1)On Mount Rushmore
2)In Jail
3)Back in Crawford, Texas
4)To Jesus

Q: What has been the most defining moment of Bush's presidency?
1)Standing amid the rubble of Ground Zero and addressing firefighters with a megaphone
2)His triumphant landing on the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln
3)His surprise Thanksgiving visit to Baghdad
4)Choking on a pretzel
5)Continuing to read "My Pet Goat" to schoolchildren for a full seven minutes after being informed that a second plane had crashed into the World Trade Center

Q: What label best describes Bush?
1)Compassionate Conservative
2)Miserable Failure
3)Warrior President
4)Dim Son
5)Reagan's Heir
6)Smirking Chimp
7)Fossil Fool
8)Our Lord and Savior

Q: Complete the following statement. George W. Bush won the 2000 election because ___
1)Voters embraced his strong leadership and philosophy of compassionate conservatism
2)The Supreme Court embraced his strong leadership and philosophy of compassionate conservatism
3)His brother Jeb and Katherine Harris rigged the vote and orchestrated a coup
4)The sore losers in the Democratic party were unsuccessful in their attempts to steal the vote in Florida
5)God chose him to be president

Q: What's the best explanation for the failure to find WMD in Iraq?
1)Bush lied to the American people
2)Bush was misled by faulty intelligence
3)It's Clinton's fault
4)Donald Rumsfeld forgot where he planted the WMD
5)The WMD will eventually be found

Q: Complete the following statement. If George W. Bush wins the election ___
1)I'm going to dance on my roof naked
2)I'm moving to Canada
3)I'm going to thank Jesus
4)I'm going to thank Ralph Nader
5)You can kiss Iran, Syria, and North Korea goodbye
6)The terrorists will have won

( The Tech Guy took this test and gave all pro-Bush answers just to see what it would say. Here is his results...

Your score is 9 on a scale of 1 to 10. You are a True Believer in President Bush. Your loyalty and devotion to him is matched only by your desire to see his liberal detractors locked away and declared enemy combatants. If all Americans thought as you did, and were it constitutionally viable, George W. Bush would be president for life.

(And I myself took the test and gave my HONEST opinion and here is my score....

Your score is 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. You hate Bush with a writhing passion. You think he is an idiot, a liar, and a warmonger who has been a miserable failure as president. Nothing would give you greater pleasure than seeing him run out of the White House, except maybe seeing him dragged away in handcuffs.

To take the test yourself go to...


Let us know how you scored!


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