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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

What I talk about when I'm not here

I posted this last night on the DCP blog


To those of you who want to know what I am really trying to say, I think this comment unintentionaly said it all for me. Here it is...

Wow thats neat I was just thinking about that game Risk yesterday and the Bush administration...

You know in a way I really don't see it as a grab for world domination by georgie though. Alot of people make the same analogy that that was Hitlers goal as well..I think thats slightly off.

I think we all agree georgie is the most dangerous fool since calligula. But the funny thing is when people hear bush motives and goals compared to Hitler himself they bristle. But if you look at it they are ALMOST perfectly parrallel and both atleast knew enough to know actual global dominance wasn't possible.

I dont care what race you are you simply cannot breed enough little nazis to be every where ALL the time.

Georgies a fool but I'm sure some one explained it to him. Probably Carl.
Hitler did exactly what georgie is doing but you must understand WHAT EXACTLY george IS doing.

Hitler did not care for jews but that wasnt really the point of his acts. He HAD to kill the jews. They were the witnesses and rightful hiers to all he STOLE.

WW 2 was a crime to hide a larger crime. Those families who got rich off bloody jewish property are still rich to this day. Hitler HAD to eventually commit genocide as the theft became the biggest crime humanity ever saw.

Biggest since native americans were slaughtered for thier land, that is. The people who got rich off that are still to this day rich from it. the murder escalated in direct corrolation with the scale of the theft. In both cases of genocide.

It all comes down to war profiteering. Bush is using the blood of the Iraqis to hide a bigger crime.

The surprising thing about war profiteers is they have the exact same mindset as a common thief.

Bush is not out to control the world. He is out to steal as much as he can and blow up the evidence while he and his line disappear into the smoke that will take generations to settle.

Generations, that is, unless,. he is caught red handed.
If you want to take down georgie follow the money. Youll have to step over alot of bodies to keep up, but he is, in the end...as sloppy as a simple thief.

If bloggers can expose a gay hooker getting state secrets with his mandates, imagine what the bloggers who can see past fuzzy math could do to those we ALREADY KNOW ARE PROFITING....

Instead of thinking bush has aspirations of being emperor, consider for a moment the mindset of a common thief and suddenly things become very clear.

I personaly cannot do math tricks but I can add enough to know there is SERIOUS MONEY missing...TRILLIONS....If you can work with numbers that big I bet you could directly connect bush to....um lets just say serious felonies.

If I could do those tricks I would personally start with the insurance scam on the World Trade Towers. (The insurance on the Towers was increased by 300% less than 90 days before they were destroyed..no Im not joking...google it.)

In Germany it took years for the people to come together with a common understanding of what happened. Perhaps this time we wont give bush time to move on to genocide.

I really REALLY hope so.

BTW ...HI Yall


Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

You go girl,

This is what we are all about, we sure do think the same.

Luv Rossi

24/2/05 2:50 AM  

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