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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Enron suicide and the rape accuser.

Klentzman goes on to report that "the Sugar Land Police Department conducted a background investigation into Plaintiff's past activities," and according to the article they discoverd that Schoedinger had "dated George W. Bush as a minor." Sugar Land is a town close to Missouri City, and coincidentally is also the hometown of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay. Also, according to Thoreau "the suspicious 2002 shooting death of former Enron executive John Clifford Baxter in Sugar Land occurred not far from Schoedinger's residence. Baxter's death was also ruled a suicide by the Harris County Medical Examiner's office, a conclusion questioned by some, including Judicial Watch."
----This man was NOT just any Enron man. He was the main witness against them. He died a year before Schoedinger did in 2002 and not very far from her house. Suicides in Sugarland seem to be an epidemic.--- Posted by Hello


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