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Saturday, April 09, 2005

Our First Endorsement

We are very proud to annouce our very first political endorsement...Yeah Yeah it is early ...But this guy is worth it.

We would like to announce our UNWAVERING support for Kinky Friedman for Governor of Texas.

Why the hell not...?

I have never asked for money to be a blogger and I am not doing so now. I will ask though, if you have thought of contributing to someone who actually deserves it, PLEASE PLEASE look up Kinky Friedman.


This is from his camp. ALLLL Aboard The Pirate Ship!

"Save the last vote for Kinky.

Where we need help most: At this time, we need everyone to spread the word about Kinky. Tell your friends, your coworkers, complete strangers on the street, EVERYONE about Kinky and let them know he is serious about being governor of Texas! Download the "Save My Vote for Kinky" pledge form and collect pledges. Encourage everyone you know to board this pirate ship, as we set sail for the governor's mansion!

Contribute to the campaign: "A fool and his money are soon elected." - Kinky Friedman. The two major parties spent $100 million dollars in the last campaign. $100 million dollars! We need donations of all sizes to help us make this campaign a reality. Kinky's no fool. He can win it all, and he will do it wholesale.

To contribute, go to http://www.kinkyfriedman.com/store/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=KFDONATE

Or, For mail contributions, please send to:
Kinky Friedman Campaign
PO Box 293910Kerrville, TX

May the God of your choice bless you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like this guy to

9/4/05 3:34 PM  

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