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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Welcome To ReBelle Nation

This is the online diary of Kim, Rossi, and Christy. (Oh and Tech Guy but he mostly just lurks.)

Due to the current 'Black-out' in the US media, we are posting our finds here to archive in one place, as many links as we can, before they can be erased. Our own thoughts are added in often and will stand as our testimony to unfolding events. Our personal friendships brought us together, to share with each other what we see, hear, and read.

We came together here to bear witness, as honestly as we can. If you are joining us here, we would like to welcome you and encourage even dissenting opinions.Wide open, rubust debate is a product of a true democracy.

If there is no dissent, there is no democracy. As we share what we know, we hope you find any of it helpful.

Thanks For Visiting. We do appreciate it.


Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Bubba you lurking around

17/4/05 1:02 AM  

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