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Sunday, May 15, 2005

America...You have been betrayed for the sake of the House of Saud. Even as the Saudis KILL US the US President had no intention of doing ANYTHING about it. This IS a recent picture. Posted by Hello


Blogger Rachel Croucher said...

just out of interest, what would you suggest that Bush or the United States should do?

15/5/05 1:28 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Number one =find osama and put him in a grave.

number 2 kick the saidi crown prince right dead square in his teeth and tell him if any more saudi terrorists attack us then we will turn saudia arabia into Airbase America.

It is not as if the House of Saud has the support of thier citizens.
The very VERY LAST thing I would EVER do is play tiptoe through the tulips with that bastard.

15/5/05 4:52 PM  
Blogger Rachel Croucher said...

right on, I'm totally with you there -- but diplomacy is a funny thing and we can't be sure of what they were saying to each other

It still does make me sick though, because the house of Saud so are a pack of criminals, history has proven that appeasement does not work

16/5/05 2:59 AM  
Blogger Christy said...

Thugs, killers, liars, thieves, and then theres the Saudis.

16/5/05 7:21 AM  

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