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Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Gay soldier wounded in Iraq is discharged from the U.S. army

CINCINNATI (AP) - An army sergeant from Ohio who was wounded in Iraq and wanted to remain in the military as an openly gay soldier was officially discharged Tuesday, according to an advocacy group.

Sgt. Robert Stout, 23, was awarded the Purple Heart after a grenade sent shrapnel into his arm, face and legs while he was using a machine-gun on a Humvee in May 2004.

Stout, of Utica in central Ohio, told The Associated Press in April that he wanted to remain in the military and be openly gay, but that would conflict with the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Aaron Belkin, director of the Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military at the University of California-Santa Barbara, said Sgt. Robert Stout told him he was due back in the United States on Tuesday, the day of his discharge.

"I know a ton of gay men that would be more than willing to stay in the army if they could just be open," Stout said in April.

Stout said he was openly gay among most of his 26-member platoon, part of the 9th Engineer Battalion based in Germany.

Army officials at the Pentagon could not immediately confirm the discharge. The army declined to comment earlier on the case other than to say that soldiers discharged under "don't ask, don't tell" typically receive honourable discharges.


Hell didn't that happen to John Kerry being hit with shrapnel, maybe they should take back his
Purple Heart, Yeah definitely they should take back his Purple Heart, and then dump him after all he didnt die for his Awol President, did he.
Yeah I am Pissed can you tell


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