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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Now this will be very interesting I bet a no 1 seller
What y0u wanted to know about the Bush Crime Family and Administration

Saddam writes autobiography, reveals unpublished info
5/15/2005 9:35:00 AM GMT

toppled Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is going to write his memoirs while he languishes in an Iraqi prison awaiting trial, a British newspaper said, quoting one of his lawyers.

A report published in London Saturday, quoted Giovanni di Stefano, a member of the Saddam’s legal team as saying "there will be quite considerable detail" in the autobiography.

Di Stefano said that the former Iraqi President has decided to start writing his autobiography in full details, from his childhood in Iraq, his early exile to Egypt, to his military adventures in Iran and Kuwait, the report published in the Financial Times said.

The defense lawyer was quoted as saying that in his autobiography, Saddam “will try to embarrass the great powers that once saw him as a useful buffer against the expansionist ambitions of Iran after the 1979 Islamic revolution”.

In his memoirs, Saddam will also provide details on how France and Britain betrayed him by also helping Iran’s Islamic republic during the 1980-1988 war with Iraq, the report added.

“There will be quite considerable detail,” di Stefano was quoted as saying. “The Americans (holding him) are relaxed about it and we’ve seen some of the translation.”

Saddam faces numerous charges, including crimes against humanity for his campaign against the Kurds and the suppression of the Shiite 1991 uprising.

But no date has yet been set for his trial.



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