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Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Things you Learn When Russian is Translated for You.

Ever wonder what the Russians REALLY think of us...?
From Pravda...

George W. Bush: An insult to our collective intelligence

05/09/2005 11:51

President of the USA is provocative and aggressive instead of conciliatory and diplomatic

Let us compare for one instant the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States of America. On one side, we have a President whose policy is directed towards improving relations with the international community in a climate of friendship and peace (principles which guided the foreign policy of the USSR) and in tandem with the norms of international law as stipulated by the UNO. On the other, a roving cowboy, taming the wilderness with his gun and his Bible, with an absence of tact and diplomacy.

Diplomacy, debate, dialogue and discussion are the basic precepts of democracy, a word much referred to by the USA but unfortunately not practised in principle and diplomacy, debate, dialogue and discussion are for sure the four words which summarise Moscow's foreign policy, while Washington's continues to be dominated by bullying, blackmail, belligerence and bullishness.

On the eve of the celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary of the victory over Fascism in Europe, instead of being conciliatory to Russia, George Bush waltzes into Latvia, a country with a deplorable human rights record, complete with concentration camps during the Fascist occupation and with a revisionist tendency to glorify its Fascist part in the country's history and declares that the Soviet presence in Eastern Europe was one of the "greatest wrongs of history."

So, what was the Soviet Union supposed to do, after 25 million of its citizens had been killed in the most vicious fighting in the war, after a quarter of a million of its citizens had lost their lives killing between 75 and 85% of the Nazi troops in the Second World War? Allow the USA to occupy its resources and install disgusting fast food restaurants before colonizing the country with pornography, filth and depravity?

The Soviet Union liberated eleven countries from the yolk of evil, just as the Americans and their allies liberated nations in the west. But for George Bush, this liberation, coupled with a commitment of the Union's resources to develop the three Baltic states and bring them into the front line of development in the areas of education, security, health care, social benefits, to name just a few, was no more than "a long vigil of suffering and hope."

If "suffering" is having an excellent and free healthcare and education system, security of the state, cities in which one could walk without the fear of crime, a guaranteed job, pension, housing, cheap or free public services and the chance to constantly improve one"s position in society through endeavour, then perhaps George Bush would prefer to live in a country like Iraq, where foreign troops have murdered tens of thousands of innocent people and where week by week tens or hundreds of people die violent deaths because his country has destabilized the entire region.




Blogger Rachel Croucher said...

that article was the biggest load of revisionist shit that I have ever read, just because someone says something does not mean it is true -- and just because you might not like George W. Bush does not mean that some modern-day Communist in Russia is right in his criticisms

14/5/05 11:51 AM  
Blogger Christy said...

For 1...did I ever say thier revisionist bullshit was true...?

NO I did not I simply asked have you ever wondered what the Russians think of us...?

AND for 2...Me 'not liking' GW Bush...perhaps you think this is personal?...IT IS NOT.. I have never met the man...But what he has done to my country will NOT be forgiven NOR forgotten.

And you are right, Just because someone says something does not make it so...Example A..Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction.

If you dont want to know what Russians think..DONT READ RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONS.

14/5/05 12:25 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Oh and WHAT 'revisionist bullshit' were you reffering to EXACTLY... This..?

So, what was the Soviet Union supposed to do, after 25 million of its citizens had been killed in the most vicious fighting in the war, after a quarter of a million of its citizens had lost their lives killing between 75 and 85% of the Nazi troops in the Second World War?

Cause see, that is true. It WAS the Russians who did the LIONS SHARE of dying in the battle to defeat Hitler...

If THATS what your trying to call revisionist PERHAPS its not the Russians trying to 'revise' history.

14/5/05 1:01 PM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Rachel, Has Bush and his Administration ever spoken a word of truth in the entire time his administration has been in power. I dont think so. Iraq will always come back to haunt America and the Coaliton because of all of the obvious lies that were told to take our countries to war on totally innocent people, this war has been more corrupt on the Iraqi People than anything Saddam every did to his people with the help of the Bush administrations 1 and 2 and nobody demanded or evan ask for the truth, because they did not want to know the truth it suited them to believe the lies of a corrupt administration, a corrupt administration that did not think the Iraqi people would fight back, and defend themselves against the WMD used by America and its Coalitions to kill 100000 innocent Iraqi and destroy a nation. But as Russia found out in Afganistan, 10 years of fighting and losing, America and its Coalition will lose in Iraq for exactly the same reason, the Iraqi people will fight for their Country with any means possible just like we would fight for our countries, and as you so kindly informed us, just because Bush his administration and the coalition says something does not mean it is true, as we are finding out daily, if the truth is allowed to be released, and we as people are interested to look for the truth instead of accepting the lies of a very Corrupt Administration and its self serving coalition.

14/5/05 4:21 PM  
Blogger Rachel Croucher said...

I was directing my scorn at the article, not at any of you guys. Relax.

"Today we are paying respect to those who were killed in the Second
World War, and it doesn't have anything to do with ideology. I believe that by commemorating the victims we are not betraying our interests," Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus said.

During his visit to Riga, US President George W. Bush said that the end of World War II meant the peace for the West, but for the Baltic states, it was the beginning of occupation and communist oppression.


I do want to know what Russians think, which might have something to do with the fact of my having lived extensively in Eastern Europe. Just because I might not agree with someone does not mean I am going to ignore what they have to say- hence bring on the translations.

I am not denying the horrific nature of the total of Russians who died fighting fascism, but it was evil fighting evil and I don't know how Churchill and Roosevelt managed to keep a straight face at Yalta.

Christy, "So, what was the Soviet Union supposed to do, after 25 million of its citizens had been killed in the most vicious fighting in the war" ... how on earth does this justify crimes perpetrated by the Soviet Union? The secret police? The gulags? The show trials? The summary and arbitrary executions? Stalinist terror? You are absolutely 100% correct when stating it was the Russians who did the lion's share of dying in the fight against Hitler, which makes it more difficult to understand why tens of millions of Russians and members of other Soviet republics were murdered AFTER the war.

Also, if you want to discuss what you think about George W. Bush let's do that separately, for the issue at hand, or what I originally intended, is that Eastern Europe was not liberated by the Soviets. Yes, the Soviets helped defeat Hitler, but I strongly doubt they did it out of the love for liberty, it was more due to their expansionist aims as expressed in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. It is always horrific when people die and humanity should never forget those who died in the fight against fascism, but Stalin and most of those who followed him were no better than Hitler.

15/5/05 12:10 AM  
Blogger Christy said...

I have no love for Stalin, and you are absolutely right the Russians did have a terrible record after the war. Thier 'liberation' of some countries in fact amounted to mass murder.

However, communists seem to be perfectly acceptable when they are dying to fight our enemies, I simply think neither country truely can have a hold on the total truth. I found this article fascinating because there was alot of truth in it, even if they did stoop to self glorification.

I have always found it useful to know what my nieghbors think. And my enemies.

i am sorry if I seemed defensive. I am getting alot of messages from trolls lately and not too long ago I was actually called a communist by one. as if...

Welcome to Reb Nation... We do appreciate your insight. Sorry if we got off to a bad start.

15/5/05 8:56 AM  
Blogger Rachel Croucher said...

it is good that we can disagree/discuss without resorting to personal attacks, I find it quite refreshing.

I used to live in Lithuania where I had just as many Lithuanian friends as I did Russian friends, and there is an absolute general consensus amongst my friends there about the horrors of the Soviet Union, as well as all of my other mates dispersed over random places in Eastern Europe

Maybe because I have heard firsthand horrors about what the soviet union actually did right up until the moment it collapsed is what made me so pissed off about that article, in today's age from a country that claims to be a democracy I found the revisionism sickening

Russia claims to be democracy and yet at the same time insists on celebrating a continuation with their Soviet past, without any outright recognition that what their predecessors did was totally and utterly abhorrent... I guess the problem with this is that although communism has fallen, all of the old Soviet bureaucracy remains in place with the nerve to call itself democracy

you are right, no one country can have an absolute hold on the truth, but the lies that Russia is perpetrating about its Soviet past makes me sick to my stomach

And love Bush or hate him, he was the first Western leader to admit fault/recognition for the aberration that was Yalta, dictatorships must be fought at whatever cost -- and that is something I have learned later in life from people who have lost firsthand

And before you ask, because I get asked all the time due to my passion for the area, I have no Eastern European blood in me whatsoever!

Thank you for being welcoming in the end, I look forward to further discussion

15/5/05 1:11 PM  

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