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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

This is a picture of an Iraqi holding up a Koran he alleges was desecrated by US soldiers.Ramadi.
 Posted by Hello


Blogger Christy said...


I dont want to believe it either but the Newsweek story PROVES it is a wide spread issue. I know this about the Koran. Muslums believe it is the LITERAL word of God. AND they do not even allow it to touch the floor. Speaking any ill of it can mean death in most muslum countries if not all.

Yes you are right, anyone could have desecrated it but at the same time we KNOW newsweek is retracting a TRUE and MULTISOURCED story under DIRECT pressure from the White House. About the EXACT same thing.

Let me repeat that, DIRECT WHITE HOUSE PRESSURE caused Newsweek to retract a story the forien press including brits have been reporting for TWO YEARS.

They act like we are children who cannot know the truth. I hope that this pic turns out to be fake, but in my heart I do not believe it is. If it PROVES fake I will be relieved. But here it is, and we must find the truth.

War is hell. I understand hating the enemy. I do not blame the soldiers.

I blame the lying bastards who put them there in hell. They hold NOTHING sacred and bush himself even described it as a 'Crusade'.

Everything in history has told us this story before. It ended badly. And they too represented themselves with big fat crosses.

It is bigger than that one picture. Much bigger.

We MUST find the truth of it before it can be hidden away as so much has been. As patriots it is time to face ourselves in the morror and ask, WHAT ARE we fighting for EXACTLY?

17/5/05 12:19 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

And notice we said 'Alledges'

The truth is out there. This is but one aspect that must be confronted.

17/5/05 12:20 PM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Christy Girlfriend the thing is when did the iraqi people ever become the enemy to America and the coalition,they never did anything to us ever any of them,I look at what we have done to their country, to their history, to their people, and I cringe how could we have done this thing, why in Gods name did we commit such atrocities on people who had to live under Saddam with the blessing of America and now, we have given them death and destruction, where is the liberation, our children do not have to worry about watching tv and dying or going to school and dying from car bombs or soldiers who have been ordered to shoot them if they look the wrong way, this war is diabolical and our soldiers are committing it even if they do not approve of it, even if they do not want to be there we are still committing the atrocities against innocent people. Well that is my thoughts on the matter anyway.

17/5/05 3:48 PM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Bush sure as hell allowed it I believe that, because he is out of control with power, power in the hand of a mad man and America allowed it to happen, when they were asleep at the wheel and were not interested enough to look for the truth, and I do not want to hear about 9/11 because that was not Iraq, Saddam, that was Saudi Arabia you know the one Bush feels comfortable holding hand with and kissing, letting a Saudi Prince know Americas war plans before he imformed his own Secratary of state, this is an evil President and Leader of the free world and I hope he and his evil administration and media mouth pieces come to the same end that he has committed the people of Iraq to, with his lies and manipulation on a sleeping country who did not want to find out or know the truth. shit now I am really pissed off, and I just woke up. Luv you both

17/5/05 3:58 PM  

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