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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Your voices are being heard.

News reports in The New York Times and on National Public Radio have provided new details about efforts by political appointees to inject partisanship into public broadcasting. Radical right-wing activists describe Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) chairman Kenneth Y.

Tomlinson as "a committed conservative who'll fight on" and describe Tomlinson's efforts to politicize public broadcasting as "a battle in the culture war."
But we are having an effect.

As reported in today's Los Angeles Times, "[b]owing to calls to delay the selection of a new president amid concern that the leading candidate was too partisan, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting agreed Monday to wait until Wednesday to choose a new chief executive."

Members of the both the House of Representatives and the Senate have written letters opposing Patricia de Stacy Harrison's possible appointment as CPB president.
LET'S KEEP THE PRESSURE ON! Let the Corporation for Public Broadcasting know that its attempts to turn PBS and NPR into conservative media outlets that parrot right-wing political activists STOP HERE!

TAKE ACTION TODAY -- Tell the CPB board of directors to that Patricia Harrison should keep her current job as a Bush political appointee and keep her hands off public broadcasting!
Visit http://mediamatters.org/rd?http://www.cpb.org/talktous/ (opens in a new window). Select "A public broadcasting issue" and then "A suggestion" or "Other." Be polite but firm in your comments.

If you receive a response from CPB, let us know by forwarding the response to mm-tips@mediamatters.org. Be sure to indicate whether we have your permission to use the response with your personal information deleted for our continuing campaign.


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