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Friday, July 29, 2005

Is terror a two-side mirror?

7/29/2005 11:18:00 AM GMT
By: Albert M. Jabara

I want to brief you on “terror”; on victims and victimizers before I begin to pile up my words with which I destine to build towers filled with tears and heart aches. My towers are not tall buildings or government institutions. I use words, not stones or concretes.

This does not leave me immune to horrifying attack by readers who still believe George W. Bush is an honest player on the world political scene. I try my hardest to ensure I write what I believe is fact and truth. I believe in the human relation first and foremost. My nationality and religious belief are meaningless without total recognition of the right and determination of other people and other religions. George W. Bush persistently continues to tell lies to the American people. Arab leaders and Arab army, on the other hand, have failed to protect their people and borders against attacks and invasions.

George W. Bush’s wars are not the only inciting factors for “terrorist attacks”. Had Arab leaders and Arab armies provided protection to their people and borders, “terrorism” might not have originated from the Middle East. Arab leaders and Arab armies today have turned their back on all Arabs and Muslims and joined the camps of invaders in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq just so they can prove their innocence; at the same time they watch Arabs and Muslims get slaughtered before their eyes, all in the name of “war on terrorism.”

The best way to see this genuine fact is look back on time before any attack or invasion occurred in the Middle East; you will quickly realize that Arab leaders and Arab armies had betrayed their people long before any foreign power even dreamt of the idea to invade or conquer the Middle East. That is how the Middle East became the easiest region to grab by enemies and invaders.

The truth does not have to be polished to be recognized. As a matter of fact, the minute you begin to polish any truth, you simply taint it. In this day and age, fabrication of tales and tell is what the news media all about. Human conscience is slowly decaying; human spirit has rotted. What is really left in the way of dignity and decency is a hand full of people scattered all over the planet. I feel I do very little, or some time make no effort at all to help the bereaved and the oppressed.

There have been times I want to stop writing and remove myself from news of wars. The deplorable scenes of body parts and wiped out cities and towns grab my emotions and inflate every aged vein in my body. Yes writing, I guess is one way one can vent anger and rage; not that people will line up to read the stuff, I don’t know of other ways to curb my grief and keep it checked. I don’t know of other ways to freeze my madness; Innocent killing is the big war day. George W. Bush, Ariel Sharon and Toni Blair are drugged hunters; they slaughter Arabs and Muslims like there is no tomorrow.

Demonized preachers walk freely in United States. They preach peace will only prevail when Arabia is captured and added to Greater Israel. They preach the holy Qu’ran is fake; they preach the true and genuine God (Allah) is fake; they ordained Jesus PBUH as God of Earth and Heaven. They forgot all Prophets PBUT were just humans. Just look around you and see how humans are degrading the value of life, Earth and the Universe. American preachers and Zionists gurus are right about one thing. The real God is angry at his human specie. The real God will sift the good from the bad. The real God will reveal the truth when the sun and the moon face each other. The real God will set sail mountains into the oceans; the real God will reveal the truth written on beds of white clouds so every man, woman and child could see. God will strike those who killed and destroyed without just cause.

American preachers and Israelis play rights will stage their play in the Middle East; the short end of their action will be the biggest defeat known to mankind; the long term effect will be total isolation of East and West. Arabia will be separated with oceans invaders can not cross.
The American preachers and their Israeli leaders are totally wrong to think they have a mandate from God to kill and destroy as they please. They are wrong to think wealth and military might is God’s given license to invade any region or continent they choose. The proof is clear. The West under the leadership of United States and Israel has waged wars against the Middle East for decades and thought they could get away with it. Did they? “Terrorists” responded with prohibited murder: They tumbled towers and buried victims under rubble; they bombed commuters and bystanders. Is there a difference between George W. Bush’s policy and the “terrorists” acts?

Who should stop the killing first, the drugged hunters or the mad terrorists? The answer is obvious. Only we, the civilized people with truth and conscience can stop George, Ariel, and Tony by shutting our eyes and ears to corrupted news media. We need to call on all Americans, all Arabs and Muslims, all Israelis and Britons to remove dictators and war mongers from their public office.

Imagine Sharon holding a-two side mirror that shoots rockets and bullets. One side captures the image of innocent Palestinians while the other side shoots to kill. The broader picture we see aired on American TV screens is teenage Palestinians chased by Israel tanks. Young Palestinians throw rocks at Israel soldiers; Israeli tanks respond with bullets. The second image of this killing rampage is summed up by Israeli generals and leaders as act of self-defense against Palestinian “terrorism”. Israel is made up of stolen Palestinian property and land. Palestinians are the victims who have been victimized for over 50 years by both the American Administration and the Israeli Army. Can we honestly say with one spec of truth that Israelis are the victims and Palestinians are the “terrorists”? The American funded Israeli Army occupies the little that was left from Palestine after the 1948 war. Why in the name of God can anyone call Palestinians “terrorists” when the Israeli Army and Settlers kill their children at their door step?

Sadder than the atrocities committed by the Israeli army is the silence and betrayal of Arab Streets and Arab leaders. You can’t collect life coupons from invaders and criminals and be saved at the end. Arab writers, for example, are pathetically scared to write about the truth. Arab Streets are not expected to wage a holy war against their leaders or their invaders. They are expected to peacefully protest on every day of the week. They are expected to boycott all government and public services. They are expected to boycott all imports from United States and Israel. This is not to suggest again, they become “suicide bombers”; on the contrary, they all should strongly oppose any form of innocent killings as such crimes are prohibited by the holy Qu’ran. A serious protest against all forms of innocent killing is the best starting point for all Arabs and Muslims. Arabs and Muslims, hiding in the shadow of their fears, saying precisely what George W. Bush and his European allies want to hear is a shameful behavior, to say the least.

We move to Afghanistan. The U.S. and its partners invaded a poor county and murdered over 40,000 people. The invasion destroyed the little that was left after the Soviet Union invasion. Did George Bush achieve his mission? Afghanistan is slowly returning to tribe and lord mini states. This war could go on for the next fifty years. Do American citizens want this war?
Iraq’s invasion has cost to date over 135,000 civilian lives; it has destroyed, or wiped out the entire country’s infrastructure; it has destroyed five thousand years of human civilization and human history; it has brought sorrows and funerals to almost every Iraqi home. Did George Bush achieve his mission? Iraqi resistance fighters will not stop until Iraq is free. This may take 10, 20 or 50 years. Do American citizens want this war? Unless the United States, its allies and Israel admit they have robbed and murdered innocent people and destroyed their livelihood and land, wars will continue until the earth turns into ash.



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