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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Why I Am Proud To Be Liberal

1998 Websters Dictionary

lib-er-al (lib'er al) adj. Characterized by generousity or lavishness in giving: abundant; ample; inclining toward opinions or policies that favor progress or reform, such as religion or politics.

You damn skippy. Not liberal like Jesus. Liberal like Ghandi.

Take That, Neocon Butt-Boys!

And for our Fourth of July, I thought I would just add....

freedom, n. The condition or state of being free; independence; possession of political rights; boldness of expression; liberty; unrestricted access or use.

democracy, n. pl. A form of government exercized either directly by the people, or through their elected representatives; rule by the majority;the practice of legal, political, or social equality.

patriot, n. A person who loves and defends his country.


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