AmericaBlog says It Best..
Rumsfeld in South
America: What Gall
by Michael in New York -
8/20/2005 11:08:00 AM
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Now this is rich: incompetent Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld traveled through South America warning about "the menace Cuba and Venezuela pose to the region." Now putting aside the stupidity of lecturing leftist governments to avoid other leftist governments (is Rumsfeld tone deaf?), the Bush Administration has a LOT of nerve claiming the democratically elected leader of oil-rich Venezuela is a threat to democracy. Bush of course gave a thumbs up to a military coup in that country just because he didn't like that nation's popular leader. How can Bush even pretend he wants to promote democracy when he's never apologized for saying a military coup was fine by him? How can Bush claim he loves democracy when two of his closest allies in the war on terror are Saudi Arabia (the world's biggest financial supporter of terrorism and religious extremism) and Pakistan (the world's biggest seller of WMD material and know-how to terrorists and rogue states)?
What gall.
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