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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Iraqi voting risks even greater bloodshed

By Rory Carroll in BaghdadAugust 30, 2005

Iraq took a historic gamble when the ruling Shiite and Kurdish coalition bulldozed over the objections of Sunni Arabs to forge a new constitution.

Frantic efforts to reach consensus collapsed on Sunday when a blueprint for a new democratic state lacking the support of Sunni leaders was submitted to parliament, triggering what promised to be a bitter referendum battle.

Months of talks and weeks of deadlock ended when government officials gave up trying to placate Sunni negotiators, despite warnings of greater violence.

The President, Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, declared the document complete. "The constitution is left to our people to approve or reject. I hope our people will accept it despite some flaws."

He said rejection in the October 15 referendum would not derail the political process. "This is part of democracy. If the people do not approve it we will draft another constitution."

Some analysts said the Kurds and Shiites had thrown down a gauntlet to Sunnis, a minority driving the insurgency, risking greater bloodshed and the legitimacy of a document meant to unite the country.

Fearing precisely that, Washington lobbied hard for consensus. The US President, George Bush, phoned one Shiite leader seeking concessions to bring the Sunnis on board.

"Of course, there are disagreements," Mr Bush said. "That's their right." But he warned: "We can expect … atrocities to increase in the coming months because the enemy knows that its greatest defeat lies in the expression of free people in freely enacted laws and at the ballot box."

The US ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, said if Sunnis did not buy into the draft this could help the insurgency.

The 15 Sunnis on the 71-member constitution committee said they rejected the charter because it enshrined federalism, undermined Iraq's Arab identity and threatened former members of Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime. Last-minute amendments failed to allay their fears Iraq would be parcelled into semi-autonomous regions, marginalising Sunnis in the centre, where there is no oil, and giving Iran sway over the Shiite south.

In a joint statement Sunni panel members urged the Arab League, the United Nations and international organisations to intervene to block the document.

A Sunni negotiator, Salah al-Mutliq, urged supporters to use peaceful means, but said "if this constitution passes as it is, it will worsen everything."

The last-minute concessions did win over some Sunnis, including the Vice-President, Ghazi al-Yawer, although he shunned the signing ceremony, citing illness.

One of the biggest Sunni parties, the Iraqi Islamic Party, said yesterday it might back the constitution but still wanted changes.

"We have not signed the constitution and we still have the time starting from now until the referendum comes," a spokesman said. "We might say yes to the constitution if the disputed points are resolved."

The Guardian

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