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Friday, August 19, 2005

Who Are the Real Puppets?

By Scott Galindez t r u t h o u t Perspective
Thursday 18 August 2005

As I flip my television from network to network, they sound like a broken record when they talk about Cindy Sheehan. They all seem to claim that she is a puppet of the left, the anti-war movement etc...

I am in Crawford and am spending a lot of time near Cindy. I promise you that Cindy is not the puppet in Crawford, but the puppet master. There is a media team working on her scheduling, but they are not telling her what to say.

The allegations that the left is exploiting Cindy couldn't be further from the truth. I see millions of people following Cindy, not the other way around. I got an e-mail from Cindy that she was going to go to Crawford, not from MoveOn.

The real question here is who is behind these allegations? Who are the real puppets here?
The corporate media are the ones reporting the same false claims, so it appears to me that they are the ones being controlled. Who is the puppet master? Is it Karl Rove? The RNC?

It's obvious that the media are speaking from the same script because while they accuse the left of exploiting Cindy, they present no evidence to back up their claims.

I have been at the Peace House during her breaks; she is not being ushered off to be coached, she is resting when away from the camp. She does meet with the family members and vets to discuss the message of Camp Casey, but that is how you build community and Camp Casey is a community.

I have not seen any professional handlers in Crawford. I have seen some excellent organizers putting together events after Cindy, the vets and other military families set the agenda.

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