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Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Arabs paid a high price for their leaders’ weakness and America’s meddling in their countries’ affairs.

9/17/2005 2:52:00 PM GMT

Dear Dr. Kareem…

Are the Arabs satisfied with their governments? Are those governments credibly elected?

I didn’t vote for President Mubarak, and I’m completely against him. Also I don’t trust the credibility of the recent elections.

However, I see no logic in the argument supporting the U.S. mission in the Middle East to bring democracy as part of President Bush's so-called "war on terrorism".

The Middle East and the Arab world has long showed great ability of solving their problems on their own. The U.S. help is definitely not needed.

Remember January election in Iraq? It was nothing more than an American movie made to convince the world that “mission is accomplished” in Iraq.

The Arab nations paid a high price for their leaders’ weakness and permitting America meddle in their countries’ affairs.

Amina from Egypt


Dear Amina,

I totally agree with you. The United States' policy in the Middle East has brought nothing but chaos and mayhem.

Washington has long accused the Arab governments of being repressive. But the truth is problems started surfacing in the Middle East countries with the initial stages of the U.S. interference, a vivid example is Iran. In 1953 the U.S. plotted for the removal of the democratically elected Iranian government to place the puppet Shah.

If we’re going to discuss the Arab leaderships we must look at the former Egyptian President Gama Abdel Naser, UAE's Sheikh Zayed, and Syria's former President Hafez Al Assad; they're all great leaders who brought properity and stability to their nations, the but unfortunately the West often look at the present and forget the past.

The current havoc in Iraq and the slump in Bush’s ratings are a glowing example of the tumbling down of American politics.

Indeed, the U.S. has a long history of placing puppets in power.

But I can see in the emergence of a new generation of Arab youth whose hearts crave for freedom a sure solution for the U.S. influence in the Middle East and the corruption of the Arab leaderships.

Sheikha Sajida
On behalf of Dr. Kareem

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