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Saturday, September 03, 2005

My email to Air America

I have for over a year now said I believe Bush will attack to our south. As in a Latino country.

That is why Homeland security now has the ability to suspend ALL laws on the border. Up to and including murder.

If Iraq is about oil, then just because we can not sustain IRAQI oil does not mean they no longer need to steal oil. Chavez knows its coming too.

At this point they CAN NOT sustain Iraq oil and they will LITERALLY have to invade an oil rich nation close to us to pay the bills.

We can't afford NOT too.

I have said for a year VERY publicly, on my site, that bush will invade to the south. It just occurred to me a few days ago he would HAVE TO stage any such invasion from..New Orleans.

Katrina gave him the opportunity hes been planning for all along. LOOK back at the posturing.

THAT is why what is happening on the ground in NO is happening. They are preparing a military build up.


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