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Sunday, October 02, 2005

I want to know why lying about sex warrants impeachment but lying about ** war that has killed 1935 and wounded 7700 Americans does not?

I want to

know why....?

by Last Night in Little Rock
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I want to know why lying about sex warrants impeachment but lying about a justification for war that has killed 1935 and wounded 7700 Americans does not?

I want to know why the Republican members of Congress are openly two-faced and get away with it? They are so rankly political that party loyalty comes before loyalty to their country. Isn’t that a form of treason, or at least a violation of their oaths of office?

I want to know why the Democratic members of Congress don’t have the guts to at least introduce Articles of Impeachment. I think I know the answer to the latter: The Republican “swift-boat” apparatus. Anybody who would take out Max Clellan, a triple amputee Vietnam War veteran for supposedly being “anti-veteran,” has no moral scruples at all. They will lie as a matter of course. As time goes on, as things get worse for the President and the Republican Party, they will ultimately turn GOP from “Grand Old Party” to “Government Operating on Perjury.”

What about Bush’s gross dereliction of duty, both pre-Katrina and for and after Katrina? Does not dereliction of duty as "Commander-in-Chief" mean something? Isn't the "Commander-in-Chief," by definition, supposed to command? Or may he just act like a deer in headlights, paralyzed as he's run down?

How can somebody who has proved himself to be so utterly incompetent, feckless, and useless that he is actually a danger to the people of his country remain in office? Don't expect a resignation. That takes a conscience, something Richard Nixon at least had.

All the Republicans in the House have to do is refuse to do anything. Fine, if that is the best they can do for their country, we can only hope that they go down with him.

Things certainly have changed since the Watergate hearings, which I watched while studying for the bar exam, where the Republicans joined with Democrats to find out the truth. Investigate and find the truth. A noble cause, but an anachronism these days.

Truth is truth. It cannot be changed. Since the late 1990's, however, the Republicans found that truth is something to be molded or “spun” to change its appearance or even mocked. The overwhelming majority of Americans simply refuse to pay attention or have a preconceived or blind notion of "truth." In fact, going back to the Clinton wars, as an Arkansan, I saw “truth” manufactured in the name of Republican justice, and it was ugly. A lot of people were hurt just because they wouldn’t give in to the legal war machine for which Ken Starr was really only the front man.

A disclaimer. I’m from Arkansas. Well, I wasn’t born here, but I’ve lived here for 40 years. Bill Clinton is from Arkansas. Were we friends? No. We barely know each other, but only in the sense that Bill Clinton has an incredible politician’s gift for names and faces.

So, I was here when the plague of locusts called the Independent Counsel's Office, headed last by Kenneth Starr [because the first Independent Counsel, Robert Fiske, was removed because of the ghastly appearance of fairness he carried] came to Arkansas to find anything and everything the locusts could on Clinton to find some way, any way, to indict him. There were reports of arm twisting, overt threats to ruin lives and reputations (some of which were successful), and outright efforts to suborn perjury to get anybody to say anything against Clinton. These reports were running rampant in the legal community in Central Arkansas. Lawyers in Central Arkansas were appalled, and we shared information about a prosecutor run amok. “Amok” is a mild word. These guys were completely out of control, and they were an embarrassment to the federal law enforcement community they purported to represent. Anybody who stood up to them would suffer the [extra-]legal version of a mob “kneecapping” or worse.

Clinton was not universally liked in Arkansas. He had a 45% built-in negative vote whenever he was on the ballot. That was a given. Those that voted for him really liked him and what he did for the State. We knew who and what he was and we didn't care because he was a good steward of the State's business. Those that voted against him hated him. There was no real middle ground. And, many of those who hated him would do anything to harm him. So, Starr had a ready made cesspool of snitches.

The slightest whiff of wrongdoing, no matter what the crackpot source from Arkansas or elsewhere, and, believe me, there were a lot of crackpots feeding information to Starr and his fanatical gang, was investigated, ad nauseum. The myth of the “fair investigation” is reported here.

The Starr investigation cost $40M and proved absolutely nothing, except that Clinton lied about sex. BFD in the overall scheme of things, but enough for fanatical Republicans to vote Articles of Impeachment.

Here we are, five and one half years after the impeachment acquittal, and nothing is being done about far more serious allegations. Why? The Republicans control the House. Period.

“We are fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here.” Our rallying cry for the bogus War in Iraq. BS. Al-Qaeda only came to Iraq to fight us there. In fact, Al-Qaeda was also interested in removing Hussein before we were.

They weren’t even there before that. We gave them a reason to come. Gives a new meaning to “We are fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here.” We invited them to neutral ground to attempt to kill us.

Those who get their news from the lunatic fringe on the Right don’t know the difference. I talk to a few regular viewers of FoxNews, and I just shake my head at how utterly dense they are. They have ceased thinking. Their thinking is done for them. They sit on their couch and let the Republican version of “truth” wash over them. No thinking required. In fact, no thinking allowed. Think and question us, and you are "un-American." Joe McCarthy is laughing in hell.

I have relatives that fall into that group. “I don’t watch CNN because it isn’t fair.” “No, you don’t watch CNN because it doesn’t kiss the President’s as* every 30 minutes. You don’t know the truth, you will never understand the truth, and ‘you can’t handle the truth.’” I’ve given up. The Paleo-Con press has succeeded in brainwashing them all. Remember civics class in middle school? The Soviet Union’s official newspaper was “Pravda,” meaning “truth” in Russian. It was what the Communist Party wanted them to hear. No more, no less.

The Paleo-Con press is the 21st Century’s Pravda. I watch it and read it like looking at a horrible car wreck on the side of the road, with bodies being removed. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. It actually pis*es me off, which I find I need a dose of every day. After all, one has to know what the enemy is thinking to counter them.

So, I find myself coming full circle and longing for an Independent Counsel. Everybody in Congress wanted to get rid of the Independent Counsel system: The Democrats for the legal atrocities against Clinton, giving “justice” a bad name; the Republicans because they expected to steal the election and didn’t want anybody snooping around what they were planning to do. The press, after all, is too lazy to be a watchdog any more. They knew the press would be lapdogs.

Yesterday I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with an embroidered soaring eagle and the words: “The American Eagle / Symbol of Freedom.” All I could think about was the American Eagle being an endangered species since 1918. I could only see it as “Symbol of Endangered Freedom” because freedom is an endangered species, too.

By doing nothing, we are letting freedom slip through our fingers. Read the Declaration of Independence, and not just on July 4th. Remember why we cast off English governance. Some of those same truths are still "self-evident."

Written 229 years ago, it stirs me with the desire to throw them all out. I read about our pre-Revolutionary War heroes because I long for one of them or someone like them to return and get America off its collective as* and into action to take this country back from those who stole our government from us, the people.

---Stunning. Bravo. Amen. Great work.--


Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

I am still waiting for that day, the day that we the people of America take back there nation, out of the hand of thugs so blatently corrupt it is not to be believed.

2/10/05 4:58 AM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

I am still waiting for that day, the day that we the people of America take back there nation, out of the hand of thugs so blatently corrupt it is not to be believed.

2/10/05 4:58 AM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

I am still waiting for that day, the day that we the people of America take back there nation, out of the hand of thugs so blatently corrupt it is not to be believed.

2/10/05 4:58 AM  

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