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Monday, October 03, 2005

So Good I Actually Regret I Missed It

Alaska Ear

Published: October 2, 2005
Last Modified: October 2, 2005 at 01:36 AM
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UNEXPECTED SHOW ... It turned out to be the hottest ticket in town last weekend, but who knew ahead of time? By Monday, everyone was talking about the dressing down TV's Judge Greg Mathis gave Sen. Ted Stevens at the annual NAACP banquet. Mathis, whose reality courtroom show airs here on Channel 4 daily at 3 p.m. and 11 p.m., was the keynote speaker. Earwigs with experience on the rubber chicken circuit say they expected a polished but unremarkable speech.

Alors, it turns out Mathis, who was once the youngest Superior Court judge in Michigan, is a polished, inspirational orator and he was on a mission Saturday at the Hilton. For 45 minutes he excoriated Congress, calling its members criminals for actions in Iraq, for Halliburton, for bridges to nowhere instead of aid for Louisiana and Mississippi. He never mentioned Stevens or pointed at him or anything, but Ted was sitting right down in front so Mathis couldn't have missed him.

"The atmosphere was electric," said an earmite who was there. Ted reportedly sat stone-faced and did not participate in the enthusiastic standing ovation.

Poor Uncle Ted. These days people mostly don't tell him things he doesn't want to hear. Of course, what makes it particularly amusing is that Ear suspects the NAACP leadership also had no idea what they were in for. It's not exactly a left-wing organization here.

---I don't watch court shows on TV, but I have ALWAYS liked Mathis. Hell yeah daddy-o!!! Kick those monkeys again!!! Slap them. Maybe a few trillion dollars we are missing will fall out of thier pockets.---


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