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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Dark days at White House


The war, CIA leak probe and slumping poll numbers are taking their toll at the White House and aides and advisers have "circled the wagons," beginning to think that President Bush must reconsider his course and take extreme measures to turn things around, according to early editions of Sunday's New York Daily News, RAW STORY has learned.
The newspaper describes the West Wing as "Fortress White House," with unnamed sources lamenting that Bush is "still determined to stay the course," amid advice and criticism from Republicans and the media.

"The President has always been willing to make changes, but not because someone in this town tells him to. Never!" the paper quotes a senior aide as saying.

Insiders have soured on Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and some are even down on senior aide Karl Rove for leaving spokesman Scott McClellan flapping on the wind over the CIA leak investigation. Bush loyalists think the president needs to recall Karen Hughes from the State Department to help get him back on track, the paper reports.

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