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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Full Scale Riots Erupt in Hong Kong


Police used water cannon, tear gas and pepper spray to repulse protesters - mostly Korean farmers - who tried to break through their lines with iron bars, wooden poles and battering rams made from steel security barriers.

With the clashes spread out over several hours and locations, there were numerous injuries, including several Koreans and police with bloody head wounds, and a woman who lost consciousness amid a thick, acrid cloud of tear gas. At one point, protesters smashed their way through police lines and entered the outer buildings of the convention centre. However, they were quickly driven out by police using truncheons - and according to one unconfirmed report - rubber bullets.

Miles of roads were cordoned off in the emergency, preventing trade delegates - at least temporarily - from entering or leaving the conference hall at a crucial stage in negotiations. 'The enemy have gathered near here,' explained one young police officer. 'There are hundreds of them, so we have blocked the roads.'

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