Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator    

Monday, December 19, 2005

If I had been in that room, WHAT could I possibly have asked georgie about..??

Let me get this straight Mr. Preznit...

You were accused of RAPE in December 2002, and ORDERED BY A JUDGE to appear at the Fort Bend County Texas (Sugarland) Courthouse on RAPE CHARGES in early 2003....

You just invaded Iraq instead and when she ATE A BULLET a few months later...

OHHHH DAMN..... What was my question again...???

Oh yeah... Is it true that Margie Scheodinger was an underaged black teenager when you FIRST started sleeping with her...???


From the British publication New Nation late Sept. 2003. Click to enlarge and read.

Kinda makes ya wonder why the Brits, the Russians, the Chinese, the Aussies.... oh and the French and Germans were ALLLLLL reporting on this AS IT WAS HAPPENING....yet here within the borders of the USA... nada..shhhh... nothing .....

Thats a real neat trick... Ain't it, though..??


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