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Thursday, December 01, 2005

My First Known Conspiracy Theory

The Mother of All Conspiracy Theories...

In the last 5 or so years of our recent history, many monumental acts have made these times perhaps the most dangerous ever faced by anyone. Ever. I think almost all of us agree that we have been shown exactly what they wanted us to see.

THEY = The elite of the world. The power brokers. The masters of illussion and distraction.

In a world of conspiracies, many of our worst fears are being systematically proved true. Everything bleeds into everything else and it all becomes 'complicated'. There are many unanswered questions. Unresolved issues are causing death every damn day. We loose the forrest for the trees.

But, what if ALL of it, and I mean ALL of it, were about just one thing?

What if that one subject were so large and deadly that say, terror, war, theft, were all a distraction to keep idle hands busy and the entire common population of the earth unaware of what was happening? Is there something THEY KNOW that WE do not?

Of course there is.

There is one set of numbers they do not dare share with us.What it means was predicted long ago. And it is even now coming to pass. They have done all they could to make us believe it did not matter.

Ancient tribes in South America wrote many strange things, and left us much to speculate over. One prediction they made is of the end of the world. They described it as North will become South, and South will become North. Perhaps they calculated it. Perhaps it was seen in a vision.

However they came to that conclusion, planetologists today know exactly what this means and how it will happen. It is already happening.

It is not a matter of if, but when. It is a mathmatical certainty that it WILL happen. North will become South, and South will become North.

And all the peoples of the entire earth, are in terrible danger.

Here is how it works. Both axis ends of our planet is covered in ice. Entire continants of ice. Anyone who has ever drank a glass of iced tea knows why this is a problem. Ice is bouyant.

Our earth rotates on bouyant axis. If say the Northern ice cap melts, the wieght distribution of the earth will be seriously affected.

The huge bouyancy of our southern ice cap will throw the earth into a wild, cosmic spin, as the ice seeks a gravitational 'up'. North will become south and south will be north. The waters of all oceans will meet and receed, entire populations will be washed away. I have heard it said that it could flip 100% in less than one month. Once the flip begins, there will be no way to stop it.

There will be warnings ofcourse.

There will be earthquakes, tsunamis. Maniacle hurrianes, and tornados that will come out of season. Once the ice shelves crack, all we know will change.

No country, or continant as we know them now will exist. Time itself will warp. It is a mathmatical certainty. Not if, but when.

What if that when is within the next hundred or so years? The next 50? Who would know such things?

If they can calculate the tilt they can calculate WHEN this tipping point would be reached.

What if the elite of this nation, or any others for that matter, knew that month of tilting was coming, and very soon..? Would they bother to tell us about it?

Or would they distract us by any means possible?

The enviormental data coming out now is terribly frightning. Even more terrifying is knowing that they are not telling us all of it. Even as recently as the past few months, we know the USA and Britian have placed bizzare restrictions on their national weather forecasting.

It would be futile to pretend those that rule have no information on the mathmatical certainty of the end of the world as it now exists. It is pointless to act as if we are working off of the same data they are.

They would know because they are in the positions of power to know. Iraq is a good example of how often we are not told everything about matters of life and death.

But, you say, the elite are also then in the same boat as the rest of us if the world starts tilting. Yes, in that you would be correct. Many will die, from all classes, races, and age groups. Not even the elite can stop the earth from flipping, that is true.

However, they can barter themselves much, much better odds than the rest of us can. Especially if they know it is coming. With their personal fortunes they can prepare for a world that will wash away every step of our evolution thus far. The data being activly withheld from us is being held back for a reason.

Who wants to rape and poision the earth? Why not? We all knew, it could not last. Some knew that better than others.

Some among us have done all they can to hide, skew, and even flat out rename what is happening so that it even seemed less likly. The ones who did this, were in the position to know what a horrific threat is melting into our lives. Yet instead of trying to correct it, or come clean with the info, what have we seen instead?

We saw EXACTLY what they wanted us too see.

We saw terror, we saw war. We saw the lies and the death it brought. We sit on an unstable earth and argue about how the deck chairs are placed. We kill people for catchphrases like 'Victory' and 'Freedom', even as the oddest storms you can imagine are being constantly unleashed by Mother Nature herself.

The conversation has been deliberately manipulated, marginalized, or even simply dismissed by those that would rather we look at a shiney new war instead. We KNOW they KNOW better. Yet they bring us death and lies and more death and never quite do anything they promised.

I heard someone say once, 'In the future, wars will be fought for clean water sources.'

That future is much closer than we think it is. Katrina and the New Orleans that resulted from it is proof Nature will take from us what she will whenever she has certain mathmatical conditions met. And she can do it in the blink of an eye.

New Orleans also proved one other thing. No matter what, any surviving societies that are hit as they were, without rescue or hope, all social and civilized order will completely break down in about 4 days. When the earth starts tilting, there will be no rescues.

There will be no hope.

Entire coastlines of every country on earth will be the first to go. Valleys and plains will flood and mountain ranges will both collapse and rise in a matter of hours. Ancient volcanos will burst wide open and do EXACTLY as God made them to do. They will clense the earth by fire. Not rain, nor snow, nor the oceans will stop them. They will destroy the earth, to create a new one. Where north will be south, and south will be north.

If you survive until the waters settle, the toxic fall out of the volcanos will smother you with every breath. And almost all water on earth will be poisioned by an acidic mix.

If this happens in 50 years, I will be 80 years old. My granchildren though, will be in their prime. They will be raised in a world of natural weather phenomena unlike mankind as we know it has ever seen. The day an ice shelf mortally fractures, that is the day to make SURE your children understand, and on that night Mankind himself should bow as one and make himself right with a merciful God.

Not everyone will be bowing though. Some among us, would have already anticipated that day. They would have used enourmous resources to have the best calculations of a safe place to shelter their families, and their boundless treasure. See there is another certainty that can not be measured mathmatically, but by the human spirit. That factor is the motive for saying 'climate change' instead of 'Global Warming'. It is the reason the preparation must take place.

No matter what nature throws at us, SOME OF US will survive. Many, many, will die, but some, will live. Perhaps that is indeed truely how we are favored by God, Himself. We can bear the brunt of Mother Nature herself and still we find a way to survive. We are the only animal on the planet that can anticipate Nature and time.

As surely as the tilt can be mathmatically calculated, so can it's survival. Those who have access to those numbers will almost definately survive, and with all the money, gold, art, food, water, or other things we would find precious enough to barter our starving children for.

In other words, even among survivors, there still must be an elite. And the less the masses know, the safer is their preparations.

The less the masses understand, the safer is the clean water supply/storage they have quietly been collecting.

What if I am wrong and it takes 200 years to happen? What if I am also wrong and it will happen in 20? Or 10?

That data is being held up due to politics. It is all just complicated they say. Yes, they with the most to loose would find it complicated indeed.

Among those who would know these things... who do YOU think they would tell? After all we have seen in the last years, we can conclude morality will not be a factor in survival. Those that make life and death descisions have shown niether mercy nor shame. If a new world is to be born it is they whom will birth it. They are the makers of war, the keepers of science, the writers of history and the number counters. And they are deliberately avoiding the words 'Global Warming' with a confusing ferocity.

Confusing until you look at what IS getting out and you realize the biblical scale of it.

The cradle of civilization itself will be born anew on a newly formed continant. Technology, and history will be lost to all but a select few.

New empirical, pharonic, and monarchial bloodlines will rise to claim a new world order. Bloodlines must be positioned 100 years in advance to maintain their welth, their power, long into the future. We may not have 100 years left.

Slavery is as inevitable as the tilt. And all slaves need a master.

Those that own what is left of history will have a clean slate to rewrite the very existance of mankind. They will re-make man in their own image.

These are no longer storms that may or may not gather. These will be the issues that will define the next 50 years of our lives. While we have been distracted by our own image, everything we know and love has melted at our feet.

By the time we think to ask any questions, it will be too late.

It is probably already too late.


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