Pre$$titutes Salivating Over Bush's 'Rising' Poll Numbers
It was bound to happen. Bush's poll slide would come to a halt.
Two months ago we posted this: "Bush's opponents may be lulled into believing that his dismal poll numbers are evidence of his political demise, but Pre$$titutes have perfected the art of inserting pro-Bush and anti-Democratic memes into the public psyche, and that well-honed ability to create and solidify pro-Bush narratives suggests that his political fortunes could turn on a dime.... Yes, there is a dawning realization among more and more Americans that 'Bush the resolute leader' is a figment of Pre$$titutes' imagination, that his presidency is a sham. But it's dangerous to underestimate the power of the media to drive home a narrative, and if they get an opening, a polling uptick, an event that can be spun in his favor, his fortunes could change dramatically."
Now get ready for reporters to start crowing over Bush's rising numbers -- no matter that going from 37-61 to 42-57 is hardly cause for celebration.
Here's a taste: Jim 'I'm not a Pre$$titute I just play one on TV' VandeHei gives us this Bush suck-up: Candidates Welcome Bush ...and the purpose of this piece? To boost Bush. The journalistic merit? None.
Again, look at the larger media landscape and you'll understand how Republicans keep winning elections and how a bumbling frat clown can be president despite a mountain of scandals and failed policies. First, there's the massive rightwing echo chamber (FOX, talk radio, a large think-tank-trained punditry, Drudge, etc.), unmatched by the left. Second, and more importantly, there's a flock of 'neutral' reporters (Russert, Mitchell, Woodward, Blitzer, Matthews, Schieffer, Fineman, and so on) who have mastered the art of insidiously pushing pro-Bush and anti-Democratic narratives. And last but not least, there are the many clueless Democrats who still haven't figured out that those mainstream narratives are sinking their party.
And all this against a backdrop of the right assailing the "liberal media."
The scary question is this: is there any hope of cleaning up this fetid environment? Is there some way of altering the dynamic, of changing the pro-Bush storyline? Not if the Democrats keep acting like the media issue is a sideshow...
Posted by JD on December 10, 2005 at 08:50 AM in General Pre$$titution Permalink
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