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Saturday, December 03, 2005

The timing of Iraq war was cunningly manipulated

Many analysts repeatedly stated that the U.S.-occupation in Iraq didn’t begin on 20 March 2003, and that the U.S. and UK had been waging an undeclared war against the country for twelve years, ever since the end of the Gulf Slaughter in 1991, with the aim of destroying the Iraqi society, enabling the American and the British governments control Iraq's oil wealth.

This policy by the U.S. and Britain has truly been genocidal, and no amount of hypocritical moral posturing on the part of George W. Bush and Tony Blair can disguise this.

Friday October 11 2002 was marked as a “victory for the white house.” The Senate early voted for attacking Iraq in case Saddam Hussein refuses to get rid of weapons of mass destruction as required by UN resolutions.

What do senators who voted for the war on Iraq three years ago think about it now? If they went back in time, would they vote for the same option or would they have a better understanding for the Bush tactics?

Three years ago the Congress voted for a military action against Iraq, and since then the American troops killed thousands of Iraqis whom they call “terrorists”, they have also succeeded in capturing Saddam Hussein and putting him in jail. Saddam’s last trial took place two days ago.

Tom Daschle, the former Democratic Senator from South Dakota, said on LATimes.com that when Bush asked the Senators to vote for invading Iraq he suggested that they should postpone the vote “until after the impending midterm election,” however his proposal was immediately rejected by Bush.

Daschle asked for postponing the vote as it was “in the height of the election campaign in which Republicans were systematically portraying Democrats as weak on national security,” according to LATimes.com.

In history, Bush’s father, President George H.W. Bush went through the same experience at the time of the Persian Gulf War, however he didn’t ask for a vote until the midterm elections were over.

At the time of voting for war on Iraq, the Congress didn’t have enough information about the situation there. The reasons proposed by Bush to justify invading Iraq were very broad.

Congressmen avoid tackling this issue. They don’t even comment on what Daschle said concerning the vote and the great controversy that occurred at the time of the vote. However, it is said that the voting process was backed up by the information the intelligence provided at that time, LATimes.com stated.

Daschle argues that Bush used the time element to motivate and push senators to vote for the war, however his argument is opposed by White House Counselor Dan Bartlett who stated that the time element was a way of pressuring Saddam not democrats.

On the other hand, Jim Jordan, ex- executive director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said that the situation was on fire at this time and it is hard to guess what the democrats would have voted for if the voting came after the 2002 elections.

During the voting process, Democrats not in the ballot were divided into, “19 supporting the war and 17 opposing it. Among those facing the voters, 10 voted for the resolution while only four opposed,” it only one among the four was “n a seriously competitive race”.

The Senate voted 77-23 for Iraq war, and the house 296-133. Today, nearly three years since the merciless illegal occupation began, what difference did the military action add? The situation in Iraq is getting worse. Civilians are killed everyday, ethnic tensions have increased, economic conditions are devastating.

Iraq and Afghanistan wars are the initial events in a scenario which will eventually develop into a third world war. What we see in the actions of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz and others is the same sort of greed and madness that drove the Nazis to attack Austria and Czechoslovakia, and later Poland, France and other countries during World War II.

Like the Nazi drive for world domination, which resulted in the utter destruction of Germany despite its military might, the American campaign with the aim of dominating the world will result in the utter destruction of the United States and a place in history for it as disgraceful as that now held by Nazi Germany.

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