Save A Soldier. Impeach A President.
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posted by Christy at 7:57 PM
Holy Shittokki BatmanSucks to be georgie.Impeach is the new 'It' word.Try to use it in EVERY sentance (impeach w).
OC..After seeing Abramoff can implicate SIXTY...I think people need to seriously rethink the whole concept of CONSPIRACY THEORY
Ahhhh it will be interesting times ahead of us, but I will still wait and see, after the last election, I would not doubt anthing they would do.Now Impeachment I can handle
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Holy Shittokki Batman
Sucks to be georgie.
Impeach is the new 'It' word.
Try to use it in EVERY sentance (impeach w).
After seeing Abramoff can implicate SIXTY...
I think people need to seriously rethink the whole concept of CONSPIRACY THEORY
Ahhhh it will be interesting times ahead of us, but I will still wait and see, after the last election, I would not doubt anthing they would do.Now Impeachment I can handle
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