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Monday, January 09, 2006

Because I keep getting the same questions...

I hope this helps. Will be posting news later.

I believe...

I believe.. if you do not like the idea of gay marrige, don't get one.

I believe.. Laura Bush is a creepy woman. Babs too.

I believe.. I believe men are to blame for war.

I believe.. God created evolution.

I believe.. Peace IS victory.

I believe.. The women of Iraq deserve an apology. All of them.

I believe.. Bin Laden should have been found years ago.

I believe.. Not everything Isreal does is as it is announced to be.

I believe.. God does not care what I think. Or you either.

I believe.. Racisim and homophobia are the same thing. Pathetic.

I believe.. All of congress and the senate should resign or be forced to do so.

I believe.. I will worry about Avian Flu after it has been around for 50 more years.

I believe.. Some in D.C. sees mass murder is ok as long as it serves their families finances.

I believe.. If you believe in torturing anyone, anywhere, anytime, then you are wrong.

I believe.. ALL women are beautiful. All children, too.

I believe.. All men were created to protect them.

I believe.. They have done poorly in every era.

I believe.. We all could change for the better.

I believe.. That Oswald may really have killed Kennedy. I wasn't there.

I believe.. If I had an army, I would send them into Darfur. It is the right thing to do.

I believe.. Saudia Arabia would not dare breathe wrong if I had that army.

I believe.. There are many creatures still undiscovered, living among us.

I believe.. Global Warming is going to kill us all. And probably sooner, rather than later.

I believe.. The greed of men is to blame for that, as well.

I believe.. A good heart and a good lover is the whole point. Everything else is borrowed time.

I believe.. A farmer should be president. A REAL farmer, overalls and all.

I believe.. We should all buy a pitchfork anyway.

I believe.. I do not need a gun when baseball bats are way more effective.

I believe.. Many can be rehabilitated. Most are worth saving.

I believe.. In redemption. And mercy.

I believe.. Military law gives soldiers the right to hold their leaders to account.

I believe.. We will never win back the respect of the world until AMERICANS try G. W. Bush in a court of LAW.

I believe.. The only purpose of gov. is to save as many as possible and NOT to deal in death.

I believe.. ONLY treason should merit a death sentence.

I believe.. Mercy can be applied as forcefully as a hammer stroke.

I believe.. There are only two reasons why hungry children still die every damn day. Greed, and apathy.

I believe.. If one more United States elections are rigged, we are no longer the United States.

I believe.. Katrina brought an empire to her knees.

I believe.. This nation will pay for their political abandonment of the deep south.

I believe.. The Rebel flag is an insult to the 13th 14th and 15th Amendments that so many of our own families sons and daughters died for.

I believe.. if my vote has been stolen, then I am already a slave. So are you.

I believe.. My mother is special. I admit I am biased.

I believe.. Australia is the sister of the United States. Born of the exact same couple. They should never stand apart.

I believe.. The Native Americans of the United States deserve an apology, and at least 5 senate seats.

I believe.. If Puerto Rico can have representation, even non-voting, then Dammit, give the natives their due and do it now.

I believe.. In 'Restoration' of our dignity as a nation, by being honest about history.

I believe.. Had the Ancient Egyptians ever recorded their own defeats, they may have survived another 8 thousand or so years.

I believe.. Death is only the beginning.


Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Amen to your I believe.

9/1/06 4:27 PM  

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