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Monday, January 09, 2006

He is cornered by his own evil and lashing out.

Bush Attacks Democrats

In Chicago Speech

Link Here

CHICAGO - President George W. Bush on Friday opened a sharp election-year attack against Democrats, who he said would devastate the economy and turn back recent job gains by blocking free trade and raising taxes. It was Bush's first 2006 speech on the road and, with Republican control of Congress potentially at stake in the November elections, the president pulled no punches.

"Just as this economy is getting going, there are some in Washington who want to take the money out of your pocket," the president said in a speech before a friendly audience from The Economic Club of Chicago. "They think they can spend it better than you can." He mentioned Democrats only once but it was clear they were the target of his remarks.

Continues if you can read it without barfing....


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