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Why History Will Compare
George W. Bush And Adolf Hitler
By Christy
From that spot you read this from, imagine 100 years into the future. Just see it in your mind slip past you, and for a moment deliver you to an unfamiliar time. Do not join, just observe. Seek out your own descendants.
Providing we survive the next century of global warming, 100 years in the future will be radically different. Note the changes to the environment. Anticipate the funny car-like vehicles. Notice the people. Go ahead and smile at their odd fashions.
Study the people very closely. In that age, my grandchildren, not yet born, will be of the elders. Your own likeness may be reflected from their faces. So close, yet, so far away. See that the people you study view the past just like you do, through a prism of relevance.
Understand that they do not know you, that you are not real to them.
You are but a transcript of history handed down. Watch them go through their days as if the lessons already taught could never be unlearned. One hundred years from now, how we felt will matter less than actual events, as even those who knew us well, will be dust. What ever the future holds, someone, somewhere, will be writing down how it was received. Our taboos will become quaint jokes.
We will be history. They will shoulder the weight of it. Marvelous or desolate, they shall inherit what we leave them with. They will be clever enough to be trying to make sense of it all, and our political correctness will mean nothing to them.
Explore what they will know of us, what they will say. Learn about ourselves through the eyes of those yet to come. Try to find out what became of us.
Look for their sources of history. Their books, their libraries, listen to the stories handed down from our own lives. From our recent past.
Let me tell you what you will find in a bold and untroubled future.
When you see the name George W. Bush, you will also find a study of Adolf Hitler.
They will compare the two, even if we refuse to do so.
In one hundred years they will not care how we felt about the actual comparision. You will find a robust debate on it. Those in our future will not have a knee jerk reaction to the conversations of our day, as we do.
To them, our inability to make the comparison ourselves, do it openly and with honesty, will be seen as one of the most cravenly acts of silence, ever.
For a moment let's go in reverse. Let us travel back and find Adolf Hitler. Not Hitler, eating a pistol, defeated in a bunker, circa. 1945.
Not THAT Hitler. Go back a little further.
A man named Adolf did not suddenly pop onto the world stage from nowhere and start liquidating people one bright afternoon. You do not get that kind of power simply by stating you have it.
It is odd how in the arguments surrounding him and what he did, motive and method are often completely absent from the conversation. It is as if, his crimes were so vast and atrocious, only death gets debated, and the simplicity and clarity of evil is forgotten.
The ORIGINAL SIN is left unidentified. The original crime remains unnoticed.
We argue about the complicated nature of the truth being covered in blood. The nature of evil becomes a philosophical stance. We forget the truths, in themselves, were never hard at all. They were, in fact, obvious all along to those who could accept they were in the presence of such evil in the first place.
The root of all evil is... greed. It has always been so.
What most choose to forget / leave out about the holocaust Hitler commanded was that it did not start out as genocide. It started out as theft. The more that was stolen, the more had to die. It really was that simple.
Right before they became 'Nazis' they were called 'The Civilized Germans'. They had a superior legal system. Once he became their leader he started systematically dismantling it, until he had literally made legal his choice to murder millions.
Hitler was no great enigma. He was a thief. A common thief with extra-ordinary power, the power to change the law. Which he did, year by year, hour by hour.
The power to murder his victims for whatever he said they did wrong. He got away with it so much, he kept doing it. He started murdering whole families. Entire neighborhoods. He simply killed them for their assets, their homes, their businesses, their money, art, and whim... their power. He stole their POWER.
It all started as a theft on a grand scale. Eventually, it became so big, only genocide could cover the nature of it. Mass murder he ruled legal and needed. Why...? Because he could.
And this has WHAT to do with George W. Bush..?? Everything.
Remember Hitler was 'ELECTED' first. Before he unleashed hell on earth, he had to attain a position that could afford him such powers. Nothing occurs in a vacuum.
Hitler did not assume power and immediately ramp up the ovens to throw small children in. There was an Adolph that existed before he became a murderous monster and that Hitler did not dare let the German citizens understand what he was doing, until they, too, were covered in the blood of the innocent.
He used fear to whip them into frenzy. To make them want blood as badly as he wanted stolen power. One ugly little man turned good people into mass murderers with lessons he learned from a hypnotist. All the banners and goose stepping morons made it seem official and patriotic.
He stole the very souls of his own people. He stole an empire.
Hitler seized absolute power by simply demanding more, and more, and more of it, and a willingness to crush anyone who tried to stop him. Whatever he wanted was enacted by LAWS that could be manipulated through corruption. Through loopholes, and re-interpretations, Adolf Hitler evolved into a leader above the law. He followed no law but that of greed and might.
He tried to steal entire races of mankind. He stole nations. It was all nice and legal because otherwise it would have been an obvious crime of inhuman proportions.
Sound familiar...? A tyrant dismantling a justice system so that ANYTHING he does, up to and including SLAUGHTER is legal.
It was not about hate and murder. It was about power, and assets. LOTS of assets. It was about being above the law. A thief with the ultimate powers of burglary. A thief with the ability to murder those he robbed with no consequence.
To a thief, murder is the ultimate convienance.
Did Hitler hate Jews..? Certainly. But he did NOT kill them, simply because he hated them. He killed them because they were rich and he was stealing it ALL. All witnesses and heirs had to die, so the stolen loot could never be 'legally' disputed. He killed them because he COULD. He had lots of help, too. All dedicated thieves, themselves.
A select, loyal few around him helped break, bend, reverse, dismiss, or pervert every single law that made Germans 'Civilized'. They destroyed true patriots, bullied, and blackmailed or shamed others into helping them. A million other conspiracies spawned by one central plot that was completely based on the politics of looting. A central conspiracy of naked greed, carried out by powerful people in high positions of government.
Why else would you kill millions of people? Money. Lots and lots of money. There is no other reason.
Those that resisted were systematically eliminated in the quite that fell when good men went silent. That silence is always the forewarning of a slaughter on the horizon. A collaboration of silence.
Adolf Hitler was not born a monster. He was CREATED as surely as any creature Dr. Frankenstein could patch together from death. A secret law here, a redacted right there, was how it was done. That is exactly how the good Germans awoke to find themselves Nazis one day. It did not happen overnight.
Men with names like Prescott Bush helped Hitler. They financed him. Kept his secrets. Cheered him on. Instigated mass murder on a biblical scale. And why would they do this..? Because they too were direct beneficiaries of the theft. They helped DESIGN the theft. Why would they? Because they COULD.
They used their power to cover up the deeds of a monster. They betrayed their own people to enslave them with the laws of a mad man hell bent on stealing everything. They made sure the masses in their control, saw what they wanted them to see. The brain washing of good people to believe it was all justified was in their hands. Propaganda was an art to them and they were highly skilled at it.
They made decent people believe the smell of charring human flesh in their midst did not matter. Those that refused to adjust to it were thrown into those fires as well. They made them like it and want more.
The ones helping Hitler did it so that their own grandchildren would never have to work a day in their lives. They did it because they were consumed with murderous greed. It was all pure profit they believed had no cost whatsoever because it was not they in the devils path.
The theft of a lifetime, coupled with the lofty promise of legacy. Those above the law made sure their children and friends were immune from accountability as well. Which brings us, full circle, to the grandson who certainly understands what his grandpa did back in the day.
A grandson that has implemented every single tactic Hitler used to turn the 'Civilized Germans' into the 'Nazis' against his own people.
That man now calls himself President of the United States of America. He has followed Hitler's playbook almost word for word. He most certainly learned the inside secrets of these tactics at his own family dinner table.
At every single point, the ascent to power has been a direct parallel. Even right up to the lies that began a pre-emptive, devastating war. Even at this moment a great dismantling of our justice system is under way. Within both Congress and The Supreme Court, high ranking traitors have been installed to steal elections, justify torture, and disassemble any rights that makes us 'civilized'.
These high ranking traitors are even now replacing the very foundation of our government, The Constitution, with an act they believe the name of will hide the treason buried within it. Those not betraying our nation overtly have turned into silent cowards in the face of these bullies and criminals.
That is exactly how Adolf Hitler turned Germany into Nazi Germany.
If it sounds like a duck. Looks like a duck. Walks like a duck. Smells like a duck. If it FEELS like a duck...It is a duck. Pretending it is something more or less romantic has become tedious and vacant.
To not compare them is an exercise in obscene futility. Eventually the truth of what is happening will be written.
George W. Bush is deliberately walking the same path of Adolf Hitler. There is no coincidence their methods fall in lockstep with one another when laid side by side. Their motive is the same. Murderous Greed.
Even their speeches are eerily similar; all talk of lofty ideas like 'freedom' and 'sacrifice' with no real understanding of either word. They cover those surrounding them in medals, as if those that do the dying died for just that. The past repeats itself, even if we refuse to aknowledge its' presence.
Those implicated by history, prefer you do not remember it, lest it seem familiar. For every 1,000,000 second rate burglaries, there will be at least one bold and daring crime, horrific in its nature. And it always begins with a large public theft.
On September 10th, 2001 a huge crime was revealed to the people of the United States Of America. A theft on a grand scale. Staggering even. Possibly the largest in history. Any history.
Rumsfield , himself, announced, TRILLIONS were missing late that evening. To pretend the death that swooped from a clear blue sky less than a day later had nothing to do with this enormous crime is not just ignorant, but down right dangerous.
Who took it? Who was authorized to touch it in the first place... Start there.
At this point giving them the benefit of the doubt betrays this nation, and has led to the great silence that always directly precedes genocide. Once again in history, good men have fallent silent in the face of tyranny.
There is much we should be SCREAMING about.
Especially when you throw in the fact of who benefited on the insurance of the World Trade Centers. Henry Kissinger alone made AT LEAST ONE BILLION DOLLARS, MAYBE EVEN FOUR.... Yes. I said BILLION. Yes. I said Dollars. Yes, I said Henry Kissinger.
A man known as a war criminal, in every country, EXCEPT this one.
Who would you lie to for a billion dollars..? A TRILLION..? 10 Trillion dollars...?
Who would you kill for such money? Who would you kill to keep it? Who could you kill to hide that you took it in the first place...?
Hitler killed MILLIONS before he was stopped.
George W. Bush has proven he will kill thousands and tens of thousands for no reason at all, without the slightest trace of remorse, or reflection. Worse, he has proven he will LIE to ensure this death comes to pass. He demands it. Why..? Because he CAN.
Because he makes powerful men, like his father, very, very, rich from it. They protect him by perverting the very laws we live by. By making secret laws. By taking our rights to do anything about it.
He has admitted to breaking the law and dared anyone to stop him. His enablers also spawn out to infect us with a madness that is born of lies meant to inspire that exact reaction, mad confusion. Fear.
The nomination of Alito to the Supreme Court is no less than an obvious pharonic grab to completely immunize himself from any law. He will BE the law. To believe he will not use the power available to him, power he betrayed his own nation's laws for, is cowardly, and gullible.
Wishful thinking, as well, is a delusion of those in denial of their own complicity in history. The record of George W. Bush speaks for itself, his incompetence and twisted desires are obvious even to the dull, and unimaginative. He is no great lover of life nor liberty. Freedom was never the motive. Not OUR freedom, anyway.
This man speaks of life even as he, his family, and friends; gleefully make billions from the butchery he makes sure will continue indefinitely. If a gallon of blood were worth to him what a gallon of oil was, he would not be so eager to command it spilled.
Bush has sought, and found a way, to justify torture. His enablers let him justify any number of killings, no matter how innocent those inflicted with it are. He hides the death from us, as if we are children, and then obscenely yanks it from its secret grave to throw in our faces every time he needs a distraction. Every time we dare question his power he changes the definition of it to give himself even more force and status.
Just like Adolf Hitler.
Bush likes it. He enjoys the power. He revels in the status fear, theft, and murder have put him in. Only the committed stupid would assume that a man above the law would not like it and use it to its' fullest potential to benefit himself, and his cronies.
Only angry and typical semantics keeps us from calling this man what he really is.
George Bush is what Adolf Hitler was in 1939.
And if he is not stopped, it is very likely a World War, possibly a holocaust, will ensue. And soon.
Let us go forward again into that future we sought out before. Seek out those that descended from these times once more, and see the lives we gave them. Is that future still bold, and untroubled...?
Stand and watch their faces, search their eyes from the distance of a century.
Will Bush be to them what Hitler is to us now..? How does our future affect the past they will be born of..? Do their limbs carry the scars of the chains of bondage? Have they been branded like cattle?
Look at them again. Do not blink. Now watch them disappear. Watch as their existence is reversed right before your eyes, and the future becomes a dark prison we, ourselves helped build. A prison where mad leaders torture and murder at will. Because they enjoy it. Need it. Because it makes them rich, famous, and feared.
Because they can. Because we LET them.
We have grown to become the "Civilized Germans' in 1939, powerful and led right up to the thin veil that stands between outrage and atrocity.
We are told to forget the stink of torture, that it is a figment of an unpatriotic imagination. We have been taken to the edge of a great abyss filled with that foul stench. The bleeding, the dying, the maimed. The ones robbed are in that void.
Once we no longer mind the smell of it, they will build ovens. It will all be perfectly legal because they say it is legal. Other traditional 'undesirables' will join the 'enemy' in the flames. All that we know and love will be detained in the dark visions of men like Adolf Hitler and George W. Bush. Men who will take as much as they can, until someone stops them.
Eventually all of history will collide in a place that shatters our future, and is the wreckage those you watch will be born of. This collision is being choreographed for the benefit of the architects. The less we resist the more rapidly they will consolidate their power. We stand between them and all they wish to steal. It is a dark place, indeed.
There will be no discussion of history there, unless it is to praise the great victories of Dear Leaders grandfather. The bush family made a lot of money from Hitler's death camps. There is nothing that says they will hesitate to build more. Once they were again in a place where they COULD.
Unfortunately, we have been on the road there all along, we are now rapidly closing in on that destination. It was a path chosen by one who was supposed to protect us.
In this place the similarities between tyrants will not be hidden any longer. The trumped up political correctness that avoids the debate will be the chains around our throats. Phony outrage over the comparison will be silenced abruptly in the face of familiar slaughter.
If we do not compare G.W. Bush to Hitler, if we are not honest about their motives now, 1941 is only a few seasons away. And the dying has just begun.
Only mass murder can hide the enormity of the crimes they have already committed. The theft of an empire.
God help us all.
That is a statement of self love considering it was you that taught me how to write.
I've came a long way since the ABC song.
Helllllll yes. Unbelievable.
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