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Friday, February 10, 2006

Cindy's Decicision Could Lead to National Campaign

By Scott Galindez
t r u t h o u t Perspective

Friday 10 February 2006

Cindy Sheehan announced that she is not running for the United States Senate. This should not discourage progressives from continuing to pressure our representatives to end the war in Iraq, preserve our civil liberties, fight for social justice, and clean up the corrupt cesspool in Washington.

If the Democratic Party wants to gain control of Congress, there needs to be a national campaign around issues that people care about. Newt Gingrich's Contract for America was successful because people knew what they were voting for.

The Democratic Party can regain control of Congress if they unite around the following issues:

Supporting Our Troops by Bringing Them Home

George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld put our troops at risk by sending them into a war that was unnecessary and that they were not prepared for. The electorate needs to be reminded of Rumsfeld's infamous statement that "you go to war with the army you have." A true leader sends people on a mission with what they need. The current government in power has no responsible leadership. It is time for a change.

Fight Poverty and Inequality

Katrina showed the great divide between the haves and the have-nots in our society. These divisions are not unique to the Mississippi Delta. All over America, there are poor and neglected communities, and most of them are in communities of color. Democrats should campaign on waging a new war on poverty and racism.

Civil Liberties

Every new infringement of our civil liberties is another victory for the extremists who attacked us on 9/11. If Democrats make the case that giving up our rights based on fear is surrendering to the enemy, they can win.


With all of the scandals plaguing the GOP in Washington, pointing out that with all three branches of government in the hands of one party, there are no checks and balances is an argument that can resonate nationally.

Prescription Drugs

This issue is very close to the third rail of politics. Seniors are outraged with the new prescription drug program. If the Democrats propose to take on the pharmaceutical industry and bring down the costs of prescription drugs, they will have a real shot at victory in November.

There are scores of other issues, but if a national campaign is run on these issues, Congress could once again be in Democrats' control.

Cindy couldn't have done this alone in the minority party in the Senate. She needs people to join her in a voter revolt in all 50 states to shift the balance of power. Cindy will be more effective leading a national campaign than she would have been focusing her energy on one race. Run, Cindy, run! Not for the senate, but a national campaign for new priorities.
Scott Galindez is the Managing Editor of truthout.org.

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