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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hey Cristy note from Kev!!!! Re note from Christy


My Irish Catholic heritage just went into trauma !!!. Fancy Christy descending from a malicious bastard like Charlie One - apparently Charlie Duo was known for wanting " His leg of mutton and his Whore", and was maliciously vindictive in purging anybody ( and his blue dog ) remotely connected with the deposition of his Dad. Hanging, Drawing and Quartering are succintly described in the book, even though they are correctly listed as being Drawn ( on a rack, backwards, behind a horse ) Hung and then ( after some other pleasantries, involving the genitals and the bowels ) Quartered.

Sorry Christy, but the only good word I have heard about C2 is that he put up a shirt load of brass after the Great Fire, to allow Wren to build a half a city ( notably a Church and Dome ). Incidentally, they prosecuted a French Catholic for the Great Fire, too, and the poor bugger was demonstrably innocent, but satisfactorily foreign and deliciously Catholic. Convicted of course. All the Brits thought that Megiddo had arrived in the Fire, as it happened in 1666. Funny that Bubba should think that he will go down in a foreshortened history as having facilitated Armageddon, when the Brits know it has already happened, started by the Royal Pastry cook and Pie Maker. Betcha that Bubba doesn't need a Pastry Cook to light his fire. Betcha that Christy is sad that her ancestor destroyed the one and only Republic that the Brits had, cause we inherited the bloody Monarchy!. Best not to say any more, as I may come in under the new Sedition Laws. If you get a message to say " I am O.K. but am unable to communicate with you", you will know that the Spooks have got me.

Attached is a recommendation for reading, too. It's my next venture.

Love and Big Sloppy Kisses

* I will have to see if he can take us back that far, it will be very interesting, we are getting there, but not quite back that far yet.


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