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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Bush Indian trip: Mango diplomacy

March 11, 2006 -- Llewellyn King's consummate Washington insider newsletter, White House Weekly, never disappoints when it comes to straight and unvarnished reporting from the White House Press Pool. In the March 8, 2006 issue, the press pool reporter describes an account of what happened when the White House press plane touched down to refuel at Shannon Airport in Ireland on its way back to Washington after Bush's recent trip to India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Upon deplaning and repairing to the airport bar, the reporters encountered a group of returning GIs from Iraq on their way back home to Colorado. After a few beers and whiskeys, one of the returning troops spoke on behalf of his colleagues when asked what they thought of Bush's war in Iraq. The soldier said, "Well, sir, in the shitter it says, 'Bush can suck my d**k.'" Upon shouts of approval from his fellow troops, the soldier added, "And sir, if you want to find out about morale in the Army, find out the truth, you'll always find it in the shitter."

And never to miss an opportunity to show himself to be a fool, at a New Delhi press conference with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Bush declared to a confused press, "The United States is looking forward to eating Indian mangoes." Bush was referring to an agreement to drop a U.S. boycott of Indian mangoes brought about 18 years before because of pesticide use.

Apparently, the Bush trip to India was a success on mangoes but a disaster on nuclear issues.

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