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Monday, March 13, 2006

Full Page SF Chronicle Impeachment Ad Appears Today!

Congratulations to everyone!

The impeachment movement has done it again. Today's San Francisco Chronicle (Monday, March 13, 2006) carries the full page ad calling for the Impeachment of Bush, Cheney and other high officials! This ad comes directly on the heels of the widely and nationally reported actions by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors calling for the Democratic delegation to support impeachment in Congress.

A great thanks goes to all those who contributed to make this ad happen. As with the New York Times ad placed in January, this ad will bring tens of thousands of new people into the campaign to Impeach Bush. We want to maintain the momentum and place the ad in various other newspapers and run radio spots as well. We can do it with everyone's continued support and commitment to this campaign.

Click here for the full ad

Your donation can help place this adin more newspapers. Please click here

Click here to make a donation to help place more full page ads.

With each passing day this movement is going stronger and more powerful. It is becoming a voice that cannot be silenced or ignored. Today, Senator Russ Feingold is introducing a resolution calling for the censure of President Bush. This is a good sign, and evidence that the heat from the impeachment campaign demanding accountability of high officials is being felt, but it is not enough. Only by continuing the public pressure will impeachment become a reality.

And remember -- tell your family and friends to vote in the impeachment referendum by going to http://www.impeachbush.org/site/R?i=SvDlKtZLtri7o93nRTb_7Q.. !

Please help us take the next steps and keep this momentum building. If every member and supporter of the impeachment movement made a donation, this ad could be placed in newspapers across the country. If you have contributed before, consider making another donation now. If you have never donated, this is the time to take action. Please donate today by clicking here. --

All of us at ImpeachBush / VoteToImpeach.org


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