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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Katharine Harris' Top Advisers Preparing To Leave After Failing To Convince Her To Quit Race...

Another one doing Gods Work, wanna puke anyone.

St. Petersburg Times DAM C. SMITH and ANITA KUMAR March 26, 2006 at 12:18 PM

Her top campaign advisers, having failed to persuade Harris to drop her struggling campaign against Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson, are preparing to leave. Those include Ed Rollins, a highly regarded GOP strategist and her top campaign adviser; Adam Goodman, her longtime Tampa-based media consultant; and campaign manager Jamie Miller. Harris has been aggressively campaigning for support among religious conservatives, hitting large churches and headlining a "Reclaiming America for Christ" conference in Broward County last weekend. She told hundreds of attendees she was "doing God's work" with her campaign.

Read the whole story here.


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