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Friday, March 24, 2006

Washington Post's Conservative Blogger Resigns Amid Plagiarism Allegations...

Washington Post Jim Brady March 24, 2006 at 02:16 PM
READ MORE: Washington Post

In the past 24 hours, we learned of allegations that Ben Domenech plagiarized material that appeared under his byline in various publications prior to washingtonpost.com contracting with him to write a blog that launched Tuesday.

An investigation into these allegations was ongoing, and in the interim, Domenech has resigned, effective immediately.


Admits past work was 'sloppier;' Calls Post editors 'fools'

A message to commenter Jason Ward

Hey Dude, what you doing sitting there with your goodies, why the hell arnt you over there with your military, trying to stay alive and protect your Country, in this misbegotten and illegal war that your Georgie sent his nation of young to fight and die for, without any kind of protection.

As usual we have another big mouth republican that just sits on his butt, playing with his toys, while the real men are over in Iraq dying, for lie after lie from your so call Commander and Chief, you know the one that was AWOL. and didn't think it was his place to serve his country, in another time of war, in which the real men died and were mutilated by the Government of you Country. Bye for now. Peace


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