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Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Boy Liar

by Ron Fullwood

Aesop wrote a story about a boy liar who craved attention.

We're swamped with lies from the Boy liar in the White House. His daddy was a liar, his brothers are liars, so it's really not surprising that there appears to be nothing but liars in that clan. To support any one of them you have to lie about their lies and their lying, which is mostly about their earlier lies.

Bush and his minions lied about Iraq and the threat from WMDs, anthrax, chemicals, nerve gas; about a link between al-Qaeda and Saddam; about Niger uranium; about concern (and knowledge) about the leaker of a CIA agent's identity; about information they had before 9-11 on known terrorists' activities, including bin-Laden; about a fake chem-lab they led the country to believe may have been legitimate when they knew the images were manipulated; about their intention to exhaust all peaceful means and return to the UN security council before initiating military action aganst Iraq; they lied about the effect of their militarism on world terrorism.

The Bush regime lied about their intention to preserve environmental regulations and protect the water air and land from pollution and industrial abuse; they lied about all of the social and developmental programs they promised during the campaign to enact and fund, but lists for severe cuts in their 2006 budget plan; promises of prescription drugs for "every senior" fell 7 million short in his drug plan; the middle class was left out of his massive tax cuts for the wealthy; left millions of children behind by neglecting to include money for his 'no child left behind' initiative; tried to take money away from community policing . . .

In the grand old party of liars there's a legacy of lies carried on the lips of a cabal of liars who have weaseled their way into the highest offices of our government and throughout all of the lesser and equal branches and offices. They've lugged their bags of lies to Washington and piled them all up wherever they pleased and wherever they could cover up other lies or liars or support other lies or liars.

The Liar in Chief sits on his Vice Liar, who's plopped down on top of their religiously faithful, lying minions. They wallow in the army of GOP liars who spend our tax money spinning lies for the industry liars who purchased these legislative liars in the first place to carry their industry lies and plop them on the festering heap.

We don't have to ask ourselves anymore whether the grand old party is lying about something or another. Everything they do is a lie. Their very existence is a lie. Everything that could ever be used to support them is a lie. Everything they stand for is a lie. Every argument, point, statistic, report, proclamation, statement, declaration, order, intuitive, authorization, determination, authority, command, query, answer, ambition, or aspiration from this pack of Bushites is a lie.

As Aesop said in his fable about the boy liar who gets his kicks rallying townfolk over and over to battle against his imaginary wolverine inventions, 'there's no believing a liar, even if he happens to speak the truth.' No one is listening to the liar's cries of alarm. They've done nothing but lie to us. They're the danger. While we hunt for their wolves, they're slaughtering the sheep.

Ron Fullwood, is an activist from Columbia, Md. and the author of the book 'Power of Mischief' : Military Industry Executives are Making Bush Policy and the Country is Paying the Price

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