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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Cheney Receiving Katrina Tax Benefits For Non-Katrina Donations...

Tax Prof Blog April 18, 2006 at 12:44 PM
READ MORE: Dick Cheney, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane, Halliburton

Michael Kirsch (Notre Dame) points out an interesting aspect of the Vice-President's 2005 tax return:

It appears that the VP is a major beneficiary of the Hurricane Katrina tax relief act. In particular, he claimed $6.8 million of charitable deductions, which is 77% of his AGI -- well in excess of the 50% limitation that would have applied absent the Katrina legislation. The press release indicates that the charitable contribution reflects the amount of net proceeds from an independent administrator's exercise of the VP's Halliburton options -- apparently, the VP had agreed back in 2001 that he would donate the net proceeds from the options to charities once they were exercised.



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