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Monday, April 24, 2006

Not The Smartest Guy In The Room...


A very funny and likeable Ken Lay takes the stand - Day One"

He cast himself as a hard worker who enjoyed great financial success, only to find himself somewhere he never thought he would be — on trial in a federal courtroom. He was asked by lawyer George Secrest what it had been like to watch the trial unfold.

"It's been very interesting," Lay answered. "We've seen a lot of interesting testimony. We've seen a lot of interesting people, a lot of allegations, a lot of lies, a lot of misinformation and some truth."

Lay aimed to build on what Skilling spent the last two weeks telling jurors: Enron was no bed of fraud and the pair did nothing wrong.

"Ken, you crack me up! Now will you tell us the really funny stories, especially the ones about the phony trading floor, Grandma Millie and the "HFV" accounting? That "Hypothetical Future Value" skit still makes me chuckle! ;)

posted by Patrick J. Fitzgerald at 4/24/2006


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