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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Oh Shit. The Forger Of The Niger Documents Have Been Named

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According to NATO sources, the investigation has evidence that Niger's consul and its ambassador's personal assistant faked a contract to show Saddam Hussein had bought uranium ore from the impoverished west African country.

The documents, which emerged in 2002, were used in a State Department fact sheet on Iraq's weapons programme to build the case for war. They were denounced as forgeries by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) shortly before the 2003 invasion.

The revelation spawned a series of conspiracy theories, most alleging that the British, Italians, or even Dick Cheney, the American vice-president, had had a hand in forging them to back the case for war.

The story was still reverberating around Washington last week with claims that President George W Bush had authorised the leaking of the identity of a CIA agent whose husband cast doubt on the Niger link.

According to the sources, an official investigation believes Adam Maiga Zakariaou, the consul, and Laura Montini, the ambassador's personal assistant, known as La Signora, forged the papers for money.



Blogger Christy said...

Oh I guess you missed the part that said it was excerpted from a London Times story that is set to run tommorrow?



You mean like forging nuclear related material to start an illegal war?

You mean that kind of radical?

Next time you comment on a blog, please try not to look like such a biased dumbass.

8/4/06 2:03 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

Just like a modern day republican.

You will demand hard facts from someone who did not even write the story, but you will invade a nation completely on faith and forgeries.


Ofcourse it is only funny when it is not so sad and pathetic.

8/4/06 2:11 PM  

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