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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

UN Wants To Turn Babylon Into Cultural Center, Iraqi Theme Park.

Am I thick in the head, they are talking about the CRADLE OF "CIVILIZATION being turned into a theme part, Well I just wonder how the Iraqi people will accept that bit of news. Talk about Sick Bastards

New York Times Jeffrey Gettleman April 17, 2006 at 11:03 PM

Babylon, the mud-brick city with the million-dollar name, has paid the price of war. It has been ransacked, looted, torn up, paved over, neglected and roughly occupied. Archaeologists said American soldiers even used soil thick with priceless artifacts to stuff sandbags.

But Iraqi leaders and United Nations officials are not giving up on it. They are working assiduously to restore Babylon, home to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and turn it into a cultural center and possibly even an Iraqi theme park.



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