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Sunday, April 16, 2006

VIDEO | Rev. Peter Johnson: "We Must Unite Our Movements"

A Film by Scott Galindez

Link Here
The Reverend Peter Johnson, who was the youngest member of Dr, Martin Luther King's staff, calls for unity of the various movements in our country.

VIDEO Geoffrey Millard: What Really Demoralizes the Troops
A Film by Scott Galindez

"Geoffrey Millard, a veteran of the Iraq war, responds to those who say Cindy Sheehan and the protesters demoralize the troops. He argues that it's the lies and the carnage of war that make it difficult for the troops to do their job, not a grieving mother asking, "What Noble Cause were they fighting for?"

Link Here


Blogger Rachel said...

Yes, our movements must unite.

Right now, we are not only divided, but fighting amongst ourselves. I have refused to join the immigrants' protests as long as they remain committed to the Republican homophobia.

I need to drop this, but so must they. Otherwise, the Republicans will continue to laugh all the way to the bank.

18/4/06 1:15 PM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Your welcome glenda, welcome to Rebelle

19/4/06 2:06 AM  

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