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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Blair is hoping to outlaw conscience:

More than 1,000 members of the British military have deserted the armed forces since the start of the 2003 Iraq war, the BBC has discovered.

It comes as Parliament debates a law that will forbid military personnel refusing to participate in the occupation of a foreign country.

During 2005 alone, 377 people deserted and are still missing. So far this year another 189 are on the run.

Some 900 have evaded capture since the Iraq war started, official figures say.

The Ministry claims it does not keep details of whether desertion is on the rise, but Labour MP John McDonnell told Parliament this week there had been a tripling in cases over the past three years.

He was speaking in a debate about new laws which would make refusal to take part in the occupation of a foreign country punishable by a maximum life sentence in prison.”

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