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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Bought And Paid For...

Haven't we learned, they are all bought and paid for

Clarice Feldman an attorney in Washington, DC, loves Kool-Aid and is a frequent contributor to the American Thinker.

Scooter Libby Meets the Press"

The case is full of holes.

This Star Chamber proceeding continues on without cessation despite the credibility problems of the reporters upon whom the prosecution rests. Libby’s latest pleading is based on the very small amount of documentation in his possession and the public record (which apparently the Prosecutor reads very selectively).

Anyone with good judgment and discretion would have told Fitzgerald long ago that reliance on such selective testimony and documentation by the media, whose credibility is so unworthy of his trust, was folly. The fundamental problem of the case is that Fitzgerald has no supervision to provide the necessary outside larger perspective.

Former Attorney General Ashcroft, who recused himself, and interim AG Comey, who turned this over to Fitzgerald without any supervision or control, have both been replaced. It’s past time for the Department of Justice to pay attention. After all, it was just last week that Judge Walton assured us that they were still in a position to exercise meaningful supervision and direction over this case when he denied Libby’s Motion to Dismiss.

The DoJ should take Judge Walton at his word and call in Patrick Fitzgerald to review his handling of this case, and exercise the supervisory responsibilities Judge Walton says are theirs.

Where are they as this travesty lumbers on?" [more]

Clarice, the people's case rests on sworn testimony by Scooter Libby in which he perjured himself, lied to investigators and obstructed justice - your argument and his testimony are the only things "full of holes." I will pass on using any Silence of the Lambs jokes. ;) Have a nice day.

posted by Patrick J. Fitzgerald at 5/03/2006


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