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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My new article

No. It Was NOT 'Funny'

By Christy Cole
Cross posted at MWC.NEWS
And DailyKos

As a liberal who laughed all the way through Steven Colbert's performance, I would just like to end this stupid argument once and for all. No. It was NOT 'funny'.

Yes, I laughed, and laughed, and my jaw dropped with the brazenness and stamina of his much lauded act. Sometimes I would remember he was within feet of those he was attacking with comic snark, and my laughter would get quieter and nervous for him. I suddenly felt like a true American again as he hilariously threw all of it directly into the face of a horrific president. I laughed, I giggled, I gasped in sheer joy, then shock.

And then it ended and a silence ensued, only broken now and then by the MSM to declare, completely without context, that Steven Colbert, the man with the biggest balls on earth, was just 'not funny'.

To be honest, my first reaction to this being said was outrage, but something inside me stirred, choking the expression of it off in my throat. Steven Colbert 'not funny'? I wanted to point out the obvious, and then I realized, the obvious was not being pointed out by anyone.

Both sides are 100% correct. Steven Colbert, the comic genius that amazed us that fateful night, was in no way, shape, or form, 'Funny'. We had every right to laugh at his perfect prose and timing, yet, every time he made me snicker, it was hilarity without any amusement what so ever.

No, Steven Colbert was technically 'not funny'. But, he was as charming and entertaining as any single person could be while simultaneously eviscerating a war criminal to his face.

And did so, completely surrounded by the ones that cover up his crimes. He stood in all of their faces and force fed to them all of their hypocrisy, willful blindness, and propaganda. To them it is an absolute fact that he was just 'not funny'. With humor, he damned and implicated almost all of those within reach. To admit he was anything more/less than 'not funny', would be to admit he was dead serious, and they have yet to figure out how to deal with a quagmire of their own making, much less explain it.

To admit he was 'funny' would require the entire 4th Estate to begin their excuses because the joke has long quit being amusing. Over a quarter of a million people are dead, and now all the laughter has died as well. Only a comedian as perfect as he could have single handedly killed the blind euphoria of death. He wasn't trying to be funny.

The next time the president mocks the search of WMD while our sons die, laughter will no longer be an acceptable response. And the entire main stream media that did laugh with him knows their time has come, and no longer will they be able to laugh off the ones that know and understand their crimes against We the People. Their crimes against our own nation can no longer be laughed off instead of explained, because it is not, nor ever has it been fucking 'funny'. He was mocking them all for ever finding it so in the first place.

I laughed even as my guts were twisting in hollow rage. Even as we laughed there was never the slightest trace of pleasure in it.

George W. Bush killed droves of the innocent. Steven Colbert killed the strange laughter that followed. In my heart I will be forever grateful to him. I know that he did it for me, and for my children. He did it for the mother's desperately clawing the earth to retrieve their babies from the rubble. Funny or not he is one hell of a great man. Never has a greater or bolder patriot been born. He took my sorrow and drew it out, and showed me how easy it was to laugh at the fear. He taught me I could still laugh in the face of monsters by doing so himself. He told the Emperor that he was, in fact, naked, and that every one knew it.

The silence that followed, has been decidedly 'not funny'. But it was never meant to be. The silence was the whole point, after all. Every show, funny or not, must come to an end. Steven Colbert was not trying to keep the laughter going, he was trying to stop it. And he did so all by himself in a hilarious moment of gravity that we are still staggering under the weight of.

Yes, I found him amazing that night. But, I agree, it just was 'not funny'. Accusing people of serious crimes to their faces rarely is.


Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Excellent Christy.

24/5/06 9:27 PM  
Blogger Christy said...

TY love.

24/5/06 10:09 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Great submission, Christy. Keep it up.

25/5/06 12:20 AM  

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