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Friday, May 26, 2006

The Next Big Scandal

Harvey Pitt: The Next Big Scandal

Justice has been served to ex- Enron CEOs Kenneth Lay and Jeffery Skilling, but the water isn't safe yet. It's true that we've now trained our eyes to look out for late trading, analyst misconduct and possible pension fund abuses. But there's a new kind of fiduciary misconduct floating around: options backdating.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice are currently looking into the circumstances surrounding the granting of options within at least 25 public companies, including UnitedHealth Group (nyse: UNH - news - people ), Vitesse Semiconductor (nasdaq: VTSS - news - people ) and Affiliated Computer Services (nyse: ACS - news - people ).
At issue is whether those options grants were backdated. For example, if a company grants options on May 22, when its stock price is $20, but records the date of issue as April 22, when the stock price was only $15, it would have given those who were granted options a "sure thing," or at least a leg up, on a very lucrative "gift" of corporate assets.

Already, CEOs of several companies have resigned, been discharged or been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of internal and governmental reviews.
It would be easy, given the potential for abuse, to condemn all executive pay packages. But that would be misguided. If executives at multinational public corporations perform up to expectations, they deserve to be compensated--and compensated handsomely.

Critics of executive compensation should be content with corporate compensation decisions if they're made by an effectively functioning, fully informed, truly independent and completely transparent compensation committee.

Compensation committees, in turn, must clearly identify the performance criteria they expect each senior executive to meet, and install measurement methods to ensure companies get what they pay for.

If managers produce great results, they should be able to share the fruits their efforts produce. Options can be a part of that reward package, but they should be granted with two maxims in mind:

--Options for publicly traded securities should be issued for their fair market value. They should reflect the closing price on the date the grant is issued.

--Those granting options must know any and all relevant company information that a recipient is privy to at the time his or her options are granted. If those granting options are aware of significant, non-public company information, they must be satisfied that the grant actually furthers legitimate corporate interests and isn't merely a windfall.

Fail to adhere to those maxims, and you might find a federal investigator knocking on your door.
What's so terrible about backdating options grants?

For one thing, it likely renders a company's proxy materials false and misleading. Proxies typically indicate that options are granted at fair market value. But if the grant is backdated, the options value isn't fair--at least not from the vantage point of the company and its shareholders.
For another, backdating means a corporate document used to permit access to corporate assets has been falsified, a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Moreover, if backdating occurs without the compensation committee's knowledge, illegal insider trading may also have occurred.

Securities law violations are not the only potential problems with backdating options grants. Backdating may violate the Internal Revenue Code, and companies may not be able to deduct the options payments. On the state level, backdating could involve a breach of fiduciary duty, a waste of corporate assets and even a usurpation of a corporate opportunity.

Furthermore, when auditors certify financial statements, they rely on records and representations made to them by senior management. But if senior management has falsified some corporate records, how can auditors trust other representations and records supplied by these same managers? That creates potential problems under the Securities Exchange Act, which requires auditors to report instances of possible illegality to the board and to be satisfied that the corporation is responding appropriately.

More fundamentally, the financial statements of a company that has engaged in backdating may require restatement. The options may not be deductible, and the expenses, as well as the various periods to which they may have been allocated, may also be incorrect. These factors would require a restatement, with class action litigation in the offing.

More to the point, what does this kind of conduct say about those who do it and those who allow it to occur (either wittingly or unwittingly)?

Those who backdate options grants violate federal and state law. And those on whose watch this conduct occurs are also potentially liable: If they knew about the backdating, they're participants in fraudulent and unlawful conduct. If they didn't know about the backdating, the question will be: Should they have done more to discover it?

The business community should be developing best practices regarding these and other compensation grants and recordation. Alternatively, we can sit back, wait for the government to tell us what should be done in the future and be prepared for the ineluctable result that we won't like what we're told.

Harvey L. Pitt is the CEO of Kalorama Partners. He was chairman of the SEC from 2001 to 2003, currently serves on the audit committees of Approva and the National Cathedral School, and writes a monthly column for ComplianceWeek.

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