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Friday, June 16, 2006

Abu al-Masri and the Pentagon’s Iraqi Propaganda War

Kurt Nimmo

The Associated Press reports: "A document purportedly captured in an al-Qaeda hideout portrays the insurgency in Iraq as being in 'bleak’ shape, saying that it is losing strength and proposing ways to stir up trouble between the U.S. and Iran to divert American attention." As usual, a translation is in order. Military intelligence created a document (or did not create one and simply claims it found one) at complete odds with reality and dished it out to corporate media stenographers. Also as usual, a caveat is attached to this alleged discovery: "There was no way to confirm the authenticity of the information attributed to al-Qaeda, and U.S. and Iraqi officials offered conflicting accounts of when and where it was seized." As well, another caveat should be attached: there is no way to confirm the existence of "al-Qaeda in Iraq" or for that matter the existence of "al-Qaeda" in any other country, period. Our rulers demand we suspend critical judgment...

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Death to 'al-Zarqawi'! Long may he live!

William Bowles, I'n'I

Since the 'death’ of 'al-Zarqawi’ reams have been written from both a 'left’ and right perspective on the significance of his death or even, as I along with other writers have asserted, whether the damn fellow existed in the first place, at least as he has been portrayed. Regardless, the one thing that seems to be missing from all the 'analysis’ (whether he existed or not is not really relevant), and that is the role of these 'personalities’ in the scheme of things, or rather their use in mystifying events and their causes.* The BBC produced an extremely hurried so-called documentary the other night on the 'life and death’ of the man, that regurgitated every piece of US propaganda without criticism including the seminal Colin Powell speech at the UN in early 2003...

continua / continued


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